CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore


School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy

Syllabus for

Academic Year  (2024)



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Research Methodology helps the students to accumulate knowledge which are essential for gathering, analyzing and interpretation of the problems confronted by humanity. This paper introduces the nature of Social and Business research, and provides the techniques of research, identification of problem, research design, data collection, sampling, hypothesis, processing, and interpretation of data and preparation of reports. As a prerequisite, students should have a basic knowledge about the concepts relating to research, basic statistics and business.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate knowledge of different research types and approaches;

CO2: Perform literature reviews and use American Psychological Association (APA) format for citation of scholarly and non-scholarly sources;

CO3: Identify, prepare and explain the key components of a research proposal;

CO4: Describe sampling techniques, research instruments, and appropriate uses of each;

CO5: Describe, compare, and contrast the use of descriptive and inferential statistics using statistical software.

Teaching Hours:11
Unit 1: Introduction to Research Methodology

Research – Meaning - Definition – Characteristics – Purpose – Types – Significance – Attributes of a Good Research and a Good Researcher – Social Research – Objectives – Assumptions - Deductive and Inductive Methods - Significance and Difficulties of Social Research. Business Research- Research and Business Decisions. Ethics in research Scope of Research in Business and Commerce – Research in India. Formulation of Research Problem – Criteria, Sources, Selection of Research Problem


Teaching Hours:11
Unit 1: Introduction to Research Methodology

Research – Meaning - Definition – Characteristics – Purpose – Types – Significance – Attributes of a Good Research and a Good Researcher – Social Research – Objectives – Assumptions - Deductive and Inductive Methods - Significance and Difficulties of Social Research. Business Research- Research and Business Decisions. Ethics in research Scope of Research in Business and Commerce – Research in India. Formulation of Research Problem – Criteria, Sources, Selection of Research Problem


Teaching Hours:11
Unit 2: Literature Review and Research Design

Literature Review: Sources – Library Usage – Different Types of Literature Review - Process of Literature Review – Different Formats of presenting Literature Review - Identification of Research Gap – Softwares available for Literature Review and Citation - APA 7th edition formats. Research Design: Meaning – Characteristics – Importance – Types of Variables – Classification of Research Design.


Teaching Hours:11
Unit 2: Literature Review and Research Design

Literature Review: Sources – Library Usage – Different Types of Literature Review - Process of Literature Review – Different Formats of presenting Literature Review - Identification of Research Gap – Softwares available for Literature Review and Citation - APA 7th edition formats. Research Design: Meaning – Characteristics – Importance – Types of Variables – Classification of Research Design.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3: Sampling Techniques and Data Collection

 Sampling Techniques: Census Survey and Sample Survey – Characteristics of Good Sample – Sampling Design Process – Types of Sampling Techniques – Probability and Non-Probability Sampling, Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors, Calculation of Sample Size. Sources of Data - Primary Data & Secondary Data: Primary Data Vs Secondary Data - Interview – Questionnaire– Schedule – Observation – Case Study. Secondary Data: Sources (Different Databases available for Secondary sources of data), Collection, Organization & Evaluation.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3: Sampling Techniques and Data Collection

 Sampling Techniques: Census Survey and Sample Survey – Characteristics of Good Sample – Sampling Design Process – Types of Sampling Techniques – Probability and Non-Probability Sampling, Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors, Calculation of Sample Size. Sources of Data - Primary Data & Secondary Data: Primary Data Vs Secondary Data - Interview – Questionnaire– Schedule – Observation – Case Study. Secondary Data: Sources (Different Databases available for Secondary sources of data), Collection, Organization & Evaluation.


Teaching Hours:11
Unit 4: Hypothesis Formulation and Testing

Hypothesis: Meaning of Hypothesis – Importance - Characteristics – Limitations - Concepts – Basic concepts concerning testing of hypothesis – Null Hypothesis and Alternate hypothesis- Type I and Type II errors- Level of significance- Two tailed and One Tailed test - Parametric Vs Non-Parametric Tests.


Teaching Hours:11
Unit 4: Hypothesis Formulation and Testing

Hypothesis: Meaning of Hypothesis – Importance - Characteristics – Limitations - Concepts – Basic concepts concerning testing of hypothesis – Null Hypothesis and Alternate hypothesis- Type I and Type II errors- Level of significance- Two tailed and One Tailed test - Parametric Vs Non-Parametric Tests.


Teaching Hours:11
Unit 5: Data Analysis and Data Processing (Using SPSS/E-Views/MS Excel)

Introduction to Data Processing – Editing – Coding – Classification – Tabulation –Pictorial And Graphical Presentation – Problems In Processing of Data. Introduction to Data Analysis– Factors Influencing Data Analysis – Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Distribution, Validating questionnaire through Pilot Study, Introduction to simple Data Analysis Tools (ANOVA– Chi Square Test – Sign Test – Rank Correlation) and interpretation of the outputs (Practical).


Teaching Hours:11
Unit 5: Data Analysis and Data Processing (Using SPSS/E-Views/MS Excel)

Introduction to Data Processing – Editing – Coding – Classification – Tabulation –Pictorial And Graphical Presentation – Problems In Processing of Data. Introduction to Data Analysis– Factors Influencing Data Analysis – Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Distribution, Validating questionnaire through Pilot Study, Introduction to simple Data Analysis Tools (ANOVA– Chi Square Test – Sign Test – Rank Correlation) and interpretation of the outputs (Practical).


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6: Research Reports and Applications

Reporting: Introduction – Meaning – Importance – Problems – Qualities of a good Research Report – Types of Reports – Steps in writing reports – Ethics in Research.


Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6: Research Reports and Applications

Reporting: Introduction – Meaning – Importance – Problems – Qualities of a good Research Report – Types of Reports – Steps in writing reports – Ethics in Research.


Text Books And Reference Books:

Essential Reading:

Gupta, S.K. & Rangi, P. (2016). Business Research Methods. Ludhiana: Kalyani Publishers.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading:

● Krishnaswami, O.R., Ranganatham, M. & Harikumar, P.N. (2019). Research Methodology. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.

● Malhotra, N. K. (2019). Marketing research: An applied orientation, 7/e. Pearson Education India.

Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course provides the understanding of concepts, techniques, and use of accounting information in the planning and control of business organizations from the management perspective. It enables the students to analyze and interpret the financial statements, calculate ratios and their analysis, prepare cash flow statements, prepare budgets and marginal cost sheets, and also helps the student to prepare management reports for decision-making. As a prerequisite, the student should know the basics of financial and cost accounting.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Explain the tools and techniques used in management accounting to make various management decisions

CO2: Analyze and interpret the firm's performance through comparative and common-size financial statements and trend analyses.

CO3: Apply the ratio analysis to evaluate the financial performance of an organization.

CO4: Analyze the cash inflow and outflow changes in business through cash flow statements.

CO5: Evaluate the managerial decisions by applying cost, profit and volume analyses.

CO6: Prepare cash and flexible budgets and compose reports for decision-making under different situations.

Teaching Hours:5

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Evolution of Management Accounting, Meaning and Definition, Nature, Scope and Importance of Management Accounting, objectives and Functions of Management Accounting, relationship between Financial, Cost and Management Accounting, distinction between Management accounting and financial Accounting, distinction between Management Accounting and Cost Accounting, Management Accountant: His status and Functions, duties of a Management Accountant.

Teaching Hours:5

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Evolution of Management Accounting, Meaning and Definition, Nature, Scope and Importance of Management Accounting, objectives and Functions of Management Accounting, relationship between Financial, Cost and Management Accounting, distinction between Management accounting and financial Accounting, distinction between Management Accounting and Cost Accounting, Management Accountant: His status and Functions, duties of a Management Accountant.

Teaching Hours:7
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements

Level of Knowledge: Working Knowledge

Concept and types of Financial Statements, significance and importance of Financial Statements, methods of analysis of financial statements, techniques of analysis and interpretation – Comparative Income Statements, Comparative Balance Sheets, Common Size Income Statements, Common Size Balance Sheets, Trend Analysis (problems on the above topics).

Teaching Hours:7
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements

Level of Knowledge: Working Knowledge

Concept and types of Financial Statements, significance and importance of Financial Statements, methods of analysis of financial statements, techniques of analysis and interpretation – Comparative Income Statements, Comparative Balance Sheets, Common Size Income Statements, Common Size Balance Sheets, Trend Analysis (problems on the above topics).

Teaching Hours:10
Ratio Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Working Knowledge

Meaning of Ratio, objectives of Ratio Analysis, Significance of Ratio Analysis, Limitations of Ratio Analysis, Classification of Ratios, calculation and interpretation of profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, advanced problems on the above (including preparation of Income statement and Balance sheet).

Teaching Hours:10
Ratio Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Working Knowledge

Meaning of Ratio, objectives of Ratio Analysis, Significance of Ratio Analysis, Limitations of Ratio Analysis, Classification of Ratios, calculation and interpretation of profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, advanced problems on the above (including preparation of Income statement and Balance sheet).

Teaching Hours:15
Funds Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement

Level of Knowledge: Working Knowledge

Introduction & Meaning of Funds Flow Statement, Concept of Fund, Concept of Flow of Fund, Uses and Limitations of Funds Flow Statement, Schedule of Changes in Working Capital, Calculation of Funds From Operations, Statement of Sources and Application of Funds – basic problems on the above. Introduction & meaning of CFS, differences between FFS and CFS, utility and limitations of CFS, Preparation of CFS – advanced problems (only indirect method) according to accounting standard 3

Teaching Hours:15
Funds Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement

Level of Knowledge: Working Knowledge

Introduction & Meaning of Funds Flow Statement, Concept of Fund, Concept of Flow of Fund, Uses and Limitations of Funds Flow Statement, Schedule of Changes in Working Capital, Calculation of Funds From Operations, Statement of Sources and Application of Funds – basic problems on the above. Introduction & meaning of CFS, differences between FFS and CFS, utility and limitations of CFS, Preparation of CFS – advanced problems (only indirect method) according to accounting standard 3

Teaching Hours:13
Marginal Costing

Level of Knowledge: Working Knowledge

Introduction, meaning of marginal cost and marginal costing, distinction between Absorption costing and Marginal costing, Contribution, Profit Volume Ratio, break Even Point, Margin of Safety, and Sales to earn a desired profit. Application of Marginal costing in pricing, accepting special order or Foreign Market Order, Profit Planning, Decision to Make or Buy, Addition/Discontinuance of a Product line, Sell or Process Further, Operate or Shut down exploring New Markets, Problem of Limiting or Key factor and Choice of Profitable Mix.

Teaching Hours:13
Marginal Costing

Level of Knowledge: Working Knowledge

Introduction, meaning of marginal cost and marginal costing, distinction between Absorption costing and Marginal costing, Contribution, Profit Volume Ratio, break Even Point, Margin of Safety, and Sales to earn a desired profit. Application of Marginal costing in pricing, accepting special order or Foreign Market Order, Profit Planning, Decision to Make or Buy, Addition/Discontinuance of a Product line, Sell or Process Further, Operate or Shut down exploring New Markets, Problem of Limiting or Key factor and Choice of Profitable Mix.

Teaching Hours:10
Budgetary Control and Management Reporting

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual Knowledge

Introduction – Meaning – Objectives – Essentials of Budgetary Controls – Classification of Budgets – Steps in Budgeting – Preparation of Cash Budget and Flexible Budget

Meaning of Reporting and Reports, Essentials of an ideal report, Designing and Installation of Reporting system, Types of Reports, Drafting of Reports under different situations.

Teaching Hours:10
Budgetary Control and Management Reporting

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual Knowledge

Introduction – Meaning – Objectives – Essentials of Budgetary Controls – Classification of Budgets – Steps in Budgeting – Preparation of Cash Budget and Flexible Budget

Meaning of Reporting and Reports, Essentials of an ideal report, Designing and Installation of Reporting system, Types of Reports, Drafting of Reports under different situations.

Text Books And Reference Books:

R.K. Sharma, Shashi k Gupta (2015). Cost & Management Accounting. New Delhi:Kalyani Publishers

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

  • Khan, M.Y. &. Jain,P.K. (2018) Management Accounting(7ed). New Delhi: Tata McGraw. Hill
  • Arora, M.N. (2021).Cost and Management Accounting (11 ed. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.
  • Dr.Maheswari, S.N, Maheshwari Suneel KMaheshwari Sharad K (CA ) (2021). Management Accounting. New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons. E.Gordon, Sundram.N
Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration








COH533 - TAXATION LAWS -I (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

The course intends to impart knowledge on direct tax. It provides basic knowledge of the concept of income, the basis of charge, and the determination of residential status. It provides thorough knowledge on the computation of income five heads of income namely income from salary, income from house property, income from business or profession, income from capital gains, and income from other sources. It also provides knowledge of various concepts and their application relating to direct tax laws with a view to integrating the relevance of these laws with tax planning and decisions. As a prerequisite, the students should be having basic knowledge about the Taxation system and Tax provisions prevailing in India.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Recall the concepts of Income, assessee, assessment, person, and other basic definitions.

CO2: Apply the provisions for estimating income under five heads.

CO3: Estimate the Gross total income of the assessee in line with provisions of the Income Tax Act.

CO4: Apply the Provisions relating to deductions and exemptions within five heads on Income and Compute the total income and tax liability.

CO5: Apply available deductions for individuals to reduce tax liability.

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Income Tax and Basis of Charge

Level of Knowledge:  Basic and Conceptual


Concept of Income Tax-Finance Bill & Act; Definitions: Assessee, Person, Assessment year, Previous year, Income, Total Income, and Agricultural Income – Concept of Capital & Revenue Receipts (b) Payments (Expenditure). Charge of Income - Tax Residence Status of Individuals - Scope of Total Income - Income deemed to be received - Income Deemed to accrue or arise in India – problems on residential status.

Teaching Hours:9
Introduction to Income Tax and Basis of Charge

Level of Knowledge:  Basic and Conceptual


Concept of Income Tax-Finance Bill & Act; Definitions: Assessee, Person, Assessment year, Previous year, Income, Total Income, and Agricultural Income – Concept of Capital & Revenue Receipts (b) Payments (Expenditure). Charge of Income - Tax Residence Status of Individuals - Scope of Total Income - Income deemed to be received - Income Deemed to accrue or arise in India – problems on residential status.

Teaching Hours:14
Incomes from Salary

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual


Brief introduction – Income from Salary – Definition; Characteristics of Salary Income; Computation of Salary Income – Basic Salary – Allowances – Perquisites (Valuation of RFA, Motor car, Benefits provided to specified employees) - Leave Encashment - Commutation of Pension - Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity -, Deduction from Gross Salary u/s 16 – Computation of income from salary.

Teaching Hours:14
Incomes from Salary

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual


Brief introduction – Income from Salary – Definition; Characteristics of Salary Income; Computation of Salary Income – Basic Salary – Allowances – Perquisites (Valuation of RFA, Motor car, Benefits provided to specified employees) - Leave Encashment - Commutation of Pension - Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity -, Deduction from Gross Salary u/s 16 – Computation of income from salary.

Teaching Hours:12
Income from House Property

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual & Analytical


Meaning – Types of House Properties - Annual value Determination in different situations: House- treatment of unrealized rent and vacancy- Deductions for let out House properties – Annual Value of Self Occupied House Property –Deduction for Self-Occupied Property –– Computation of Income from Let-Out House Property, Income from Self Occupied House Property.

Teaching Hours:12
Income from House Property

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual & Analytical


Meaning – Types of House Properties - Annual value Determination in different situations: House- treatment of unrealized rent and vacancy- Deductions for let out House properties – Annual Value of Self Occupied House Property –Deduction for Self-Occupied Property –– Computation of Income from Let-Out House Property, Income from Self Occupied House Property.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains from Business and Profession

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual & Analytical


Computation of Income under this head - Allowable Expenses - Expenses expressly disallowed - Problems relating to business (sole trader only) and Problems on profession relating to Chartered Accountant, Advocate and Doctor.

Teaching Hours:10
Profits and Gains from Business and Profession

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual & Analytical


Computation of Income under this head - Allowable Expenses - Expenses expressly disallowed - Problems relating to business (sole trader only) and Problems on profession relating to Chartered Accountant, Advocate and Doctor.

Teaching Hours:15
Capital Gains and Other sources

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual & Analytical


Capital Asset – inclusions/exclusions; Short Term Capital Asset; Long Term Capital Asset, Definition of Transfer, Transactions not regarded as transfer (relevant to individuals only); Computation of LTCG and STCG, indexation benefit and exemption with reference to sections 54, 54B, 54D, 54EC, 54F and 54G (Basic Problems only). Meaning and Explanation of Income from Other sources – Various Incomes which are falling under this head – Deductions allowed – Expenses Not Deductible – Computation of Income.

Teaching Hours:15
Capital Gains and Other sources

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual & Analytical


Capital Asset – inclusions/exclusions; Short Term Capital Asset; Long Term Capital Asset, Definition of Transfer, Transactions not regarded as transfer (relevant to individuals only); Computation of LTCG and STCG, indexation benefit and exemption with reference to sections 54, 54B, 54D, 54EC, 54F and 54G (Basic Problems only). Meaning and Explanation of Income from Other sources – Various Incomes which are falling under this head – Deductions allowed – Expenses Not Deductible – Computation of Income.

Teaching Hours:15
Computations of Total Income and Tax Liability

Set–off and carry forward of losses - Scheme of Intra head and Inter head set-off and exceptions. Conditions for carry forward losses. Deduction from Gross Total Income u/s 80C, 80CCC, 80CCD,80D, 80DD, 80DDB, 80E, 80G, 80GG , 80GGA, 80QQB, 80RRB, 80TTA, 80TTB, 80U – Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability of individual Assessee only.

Teaching Hours:15
Computations of Total Income and Tax Liability

Set–off and carry forward of losses - Scheme of Intra head and Inter head set-off and exceptions. Conditions for carry forward losses. Deduction from Gross Total Income u/s 80C, 80CCC, 80CCD,80D, 80DD, 80DDB, 80E, 80G, 80GG , 80GGA, 80QQB, 80RRB, 80TTA, 80TTB, 80U – Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability of individual Assessee only.

Text Books And Reference Books:

        Mehrotra.H.C. (2022). Income Tax Law and Accounts Including Tax Planning. Sahitya Bhawan Publications.

        Narang. & Gaur. (2022). Income Tax. Mumbai: Himalaya Publication House.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

        Prasad, B. (2022). Direct Taxes-Law & Practice. Wishwa Prakashana.

        Vinod,K.S. (2022). Direct Taxes-Law && Practice (24 ed.). New Delhi: Taxman Publication.

        Manoharan,T.N.(2022). Students'   Hand   Book   on   Income   Tax   Law.   Chennai

:Snowwhite Publications P. Ltd.

Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

The purpose of the course is to guarantee that students have an expansive comprehension of the general standards of risk in business, the key dangers that emerge inside the financial services industry, the impact of corporate administration, control and codes of conduct, and the methodologies that are regularly used to recognize, reduce and oversee particular parts of risk.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the traditional and modern risks in financial services.

CO2: Understand the importance of operational risk management within the Banking and Finance industry and manage the impact of operational risk.

CO3: Demonstrate an understanding of the importance and challenges of ERM to stakeholders.

CO4: Explain the different types of regulations associated with banks.

CO5: Evaluate the investment risk factors and use tools for mitigating investment risk.

Teaching Hours:5
Principles of Risk Management

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Introduction to Risk in Business, Specific Risks in Financial Services, external sources of risk and their potential impact on a business: economic, political, competitive environment, social and market forces, technological including cyber security, shocks and natural events, external stakeholders and third parties.

Teaching Hours:5
Principles of Risk Management

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Introduction to Risk in Business, Specific Risks in Financial Services, external sources of risk and their potential impact on a business: economic, political, competitive environment, social and market forces, technological including cyber security, shocks and natural events, external stakeholders and third parties.

Teaching Hours:10
International Risk Regulation

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical & Conceptual

The Bank for International Settlements, role of the Bank for International Settlements, Basel Regulatory Capital, international guidelines and supervisorystandards established by the Basel Committee, Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP), principles of home-host state regulation, Regulatory Risk, differences between statutory and principles-based approaches to financial regulation.

Teaching Hours:10
International Risk Regulation

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical & Conceptual

The Bank for International Settlements, role of the Bank for International Settlements, Basel Regulatory Capital, international guidelines and supervisorystandards established by the Basel Committee, Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP), principles of home-host state regulation, Regulatory Risk, differences between statutory and principles-based approaches to financial regulation.

Teaching Hours:15
Operational Risk and Credit Risk

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical & Conceptual

Definitions of Operational Risk according to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Basel operational risk event types: Internal Fraud, External Fraud, Employment Practices and Workplace Safety, Clients, Products, & Business Practice, Damage to Physical Assets, Business Disruption & Systems Failures, Execution, Delivery & Process Management, Operational Risk Policy, Operational Risk Framework: identification, measurement, management and control, management information, monitoring, escalation, remediation. Operational Risk Identification, Operational Risk Assessment and Measurement, Managing Operational Risk, Credit Risk: Identification of Credit Risk: understand the key components of credit risk and how they arise:counterparty risk, issuer risk, and concentration risk. Credit Risk Measurement: techniques for measuring credit risk, credit exposure, credit risk premium, credit ratings. Credit Risk Management: sound practice features of an effective credit risk management function, reporting and escalation tools of credit risk management, Basel key stages of credit risk policy development.

Teaching Hours:15
Operational Risk and Credit Risk

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical & Conceptual

Definitions of Operational Risk according to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Basel operational risk event types: Internal Fraud, External Fraud, Employment Practices and Workplace Safety, Clients, Products, & Business Practice, Damage to Physical Assets, Business Disruption & Systems Failures, Execution, Delivery & Process Management, Operational Risk Policy, Operational Risk Framework: identification, measurement, management and control, management information, monitoring, escalation, remediation. Operational Risk Identification, Operational Risk Assessment and Measurement, Managing Operational Risk, Credit Risk: Identification of Credit Risk: understand the key components of credit risk and how they arise:counterparty risk, issuer risk, and concentration risk. Credit Risk Measurement: techniques for measuring credit risk, credit exposure, credit risk premium, credit ratings. Credit Risk Management: sound practice features of an effective credit risk management function, reporting and escalation tools of credit risk management, Basel key stages of credit risk policy development.

Teaching Hours:15
Market Risk, Investment Risk & Liquidity Risk

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical & Conceptual

Identification of Market Risk, different types of market risk: volatility risk, liquidity risk, currency risk, basis risk, Interest rate risk, commodity risk, equity risk. Market Risk Management: techniques and their application in managing market risk: hedging, market risk limits diversification. Concepts used in risk measurement and control: probability, volatility, regression, correlation coefficients alpha and beta, optimization. Value-at-Risk (VaR) approach to managing market risk. The Measurement of Investment Returns: basic concepts and measurement of investment related returns: nominal returns, real returns, total returns, holding period return. Identification and Measurement of Investment Risk, asset and portfolio investment risk, significance of alpha, beta and key investor ratios. Identification of Liquidity Risk: constituents of liquidity risk and how they can arise within the contexts of credit, market, investment and operational risk. Measurement of Liquidity Risk: funding liquidity risk analysis:liquidity gap analysis, stress testing, expected future funding requirement

Teaching Hours:15
Market Risk, Investment Risk & Liquidity Risk

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical & Conceptual

Identification of Market Risk, different types of market risk: volatility risk, liquidity risk, currency risk, basis risk, Interest rate risk, commodity risk, equity risk. Market Risk Management: techniques and their application in managing market risk: hedging, market risk limits diversification. Concepts used in risk measurement and control: probability, volatility, regression, correlation coefficients alpha and beta, optimization. Value-at-Risk (VaR) approach to managing market risk. The Measurement of Investment Returns: basic concepts and measurement of investment related returns: nominal returns, real returns, total returns, holding period return. Identification and Measurement of Investment Risk, asset and portfolio investment risk, significance of alpha, beta and key investor ratios. Identification of Liquidity Risk: constituents of liquidity risk and how they can arise within the contexts of credit, market, investment and operational risk. Measurement of Liquidity Risk: funding liquidity risk analysis:liquidity gap analysis, stress testing, expected future funding requirement

Teaching Hours:15
Model Risk, Risk Oversight and ERM

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical & Conceptual

Overview of Model Risk: benefits and limitations of modeling, major models utilized in operational, credit, market and liquidity risks, the principles of effective governance of risk modeling. Risk Governance within Financial Services Organizations: general roles, responsibilities and relationships between the principal oversight functions and the role of senior management. Risk Culture and Leadership: factors determining a firm’s risk and control culture:governance and policies, risk appetite / risk tolerance, transparency, integrity, ethics and social responsibility, education and development. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM): definitions of enterprise risk and ERM, goals and challenges of establishing and implementing an ERM programme in relation to: exception-based escalation, aggregation, accountability.

Teaching Hours:15
Model Risk, Risk Oversight and ERM

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical & Conceptual

Overview of Model Risk: benefits and limitations of modeling, major models utilized in operational, credit, market and liquidity risks, the principles of effective governance of risk modeling. Risk Governance within Financial Services Organizations: general roles, responsibilities and relationships between the principal oversight functions and the role of senior management. Risk Culture and Leadership: factors determining a firm’s risk and control culture:governance and policies, risk appetite / risk tolerance, transparency, integrity, ethics and social responsibility, education and development. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM): definitions of enterprise risk and ERM, goals and challenges of establishing and implementing an ERM programme in relation to: exception-based escalation, aggregation, accountability.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Alexander, K., Dhumale, R., & Eatwell, J. (2006). Global governance of financial systems : the international regulation of systemic risk. New York: Oxford University Press.
  2. Development., O. f.-o. (2010). Risk and Regulatory Policy: Improving the Governance of Risk. Paris: OECD Publishing.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Kross, W. K. (2007). Organized opportunities : risk management in financial services operations. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.
  2. MacNeil, I., & O'Brien, J. (. (2010). The future of financial regulation . Portland, Or: Hart Pub.
Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

This course intends to provide a basic understanding of the insurance mechanism. It explains the concept of insurance and how it is used to cover risk. How insurance is transacted as a business and how the insurance market operates is also explained. The relationship between insurers and their customers and the importance of insurance contracts are discussed. Some commonly used insurance terms are also listed out. An overview of major life insurance and general insurance products is included as well.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate various concepts relating to the principles of insurance.

CO2: Classify the different classes of insurance and how insurance operates in present scenario.

CO3: Illustrate the integration of managing risk with fixing of premium for the policies.

CO4: Interpret the role played by constituents of the insurance market and other bodies connected with insurance.

CO5: Sketch the evolution of insurance and how insurance takes care of unexpected eventualities.

Teaching Hours:5
Risk Management

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

Provides an understanding of risk management – different types of risks – actual and consequential losses – management of risks – loss minimization techniques.

Teaching Hours:5
Risk Management

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

Provides an understanding of risk management – different types of risks – actual and consequential losses – management of risks – loss minimization techniques.

Teaching Hours:5
The Concept of Insurance and its Evolution

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

The basics and nature of insurance – evolution and nature of insurance – how insurance operates today – different classes of insurance – importance of insurance – how insurance takes care of unexpected eventualities.

Teaching Hours:5
The Concept of Insurance and its Evolution

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

The basics and nature of insurance – evolution and nature of insurance – how insurance operates today – different classes of insurance – importance of insurance – how insurance takes care of unexpected eventualities.

Teaching Hours:6
The Business of Insurance

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

Management of risk by individuals – management of risk by insurers – fixing of premiums – reinsurance and its importance for insurers – role of insurance in economic development and social security – contribution of insurance to the society.

Teaching Hours:6
The Business of Insurance

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

Management of risk by individuals – management of risk by insurers – fixing of premiums – reinsurance and its importance for insurers – role of insurance in economic development and social security – contribution of insurance to the society.

Teaching Hours:6
The Insurance Market

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

The various constituents of the insurance market – operations of insurance companies - operations of intermediaries – specialist insurance companies – insurance specialists – the role of regulators – other bodies connected with insurance.

Understanding insurance customers – different customer needs – importance of customers – customer mindsets – customer satisfaction – customer behavior at purchase point – customer behavior when claim occurs – importance of ethical behavior.

Teaching Hours:6
The Insurance Market

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

The various constituents of the insurance market – operations of insurance companies - operations of intermediaries – specialist insurance companies – insurance specialists – the role of regulators – other bodies connected with insurance.

Understanding insurance customers – different customer needs – importance of customers – customer mindsets – customer satisfaction – customer behavior at purchase point – customer behavior when claim occurs – importance of ethical behavior.

Teaching Hours:10
The Insurance Contract

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

Terms of an insurance contract – principles which form the foundation of insurance – significance of the principle of insurable interest – the principle of indemnity – the principle of subrogation – the principle of contribution – disclosure of all relevant information – principle of utmost good faith – the relevance of proximate cause – the insurance contract.

Teaching Hours:10
The Insurance Contract

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

Terms of an insurance contract – principles which form the foundation of insurance – significance of the principle of insurable interest – the principle of indemnity – the principle of subrogation – the principle of contribution – disclosure of all relevant information – principle of utmost good faith – the relevance of proximate cause – the insurance contract.

Teaching Hours:8
Insurance Terminology

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Common terms used in insurance – terms common to both life and non – life insurance – terms are specific to life and non – life insurance – how insurance terms are used.

Teaching Hours:8
Insurance Terminology

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Common terms used in insurance – terms common to both life and non – life insurance – terms are specific to life and non – life insurance – how insurance terms are used.

Teaching Hours:10
Life Insurance products

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and working

The risk of dying early – the risk of living too long –different products offered by life insurers

– term plans – pure endowment plans –combinations of plans – traditional products – linked policies – features of annuities and group policies.

Teaching Hours:10
Life Insurance products

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and working

The risk of dying early – the risk of living too long –different products offered by life insurers

– term plans – pure endowment plans –combinations of plans – traditional products – linked policies – features of annuities and group policies.

Teaching Hours:10
General Insurance Products

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

Risks faced by the owner of assets – exposure to perils – features of products covering fire and allied perils – products covering marine and transit risks – products covering financial losses due to accidents – products covering financial losses due hospitalization – products covering miscellaneous risks.


Teaching Hours:10
General Insurance Products

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and theoretical

Risks faced by the owner of assets – exposure to perils – features of products covering fire and allied perils – products covering marine and transit risks – products covering financial losses due to accidents – products covering financial losses due hospitalization – products covering miscellaneous risks.


Text Books And Reference Books:

IC 01 - PRINCIPLES OF INSURANCE, (Revised Edition: 2016) Insurance Institute of India , Mumbai

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Pal, K., Bodla, B. S., &Garg, M. C. (2008). Insurance management – Principles and Practices.
  2. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publishers.
  3. Gupta, P. K. (2010)Fundamentals of insurance. Mumbai: Himalaya publishing house.
  4. Gulati, N. C. (2007). Principles of insurance management. New Delhi: Excel Books.
Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

The paper is an elective paper for 5th sem . The rapidity of inclusion of various financial products and services made the need for learning the latest developments. New avenues for investment apart from the traditional investment and also the concepts of micro credit, micro finance, value chain finance, rural finance witnessed major changes .

Learning Outcome

CO1: To understand the concepts of microfinance, its development, framework and mechanism in India.

CO2: To calculate the NAV of Mutual funds and explain the concepts.

CO3: To know the conceptual knowledge of securitization of debt, stock broking and mutual fund.

CO4: To analyze the mutual fund performance.

CO5: To understand the concepts of financial inclusion and its policy.

CO6: To describe the institutions that facilitate the financial services in India and its schemes

Teaching Hours:10

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual and Basic

Microfinance – Meaning, definition and conceptual framework and its history– Models of microfinance – Microcredit Vs Micro-savings Vs Microfinance – Microfinance institutions (MFI) Development of microfinance in India – GOI, RBI, MFDF and NABARD initiatives for development of microfinance in India – Innovative microfinance models in India – Issues faced by microfinance in India-Micro delivery mechanism – case study of SKS MFI and Grameen Bank-NGO and SHG. Y.H. Malegam committee report on Microfinance – Microfinance and poverty – Microfinance and economic development – microfinance and rural development – microfinance and women empowerment – Microfinance and informal finance sector – Microfinance and small business development.

Teaching Hours:10

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual and Basic

Microfinance – Meaning, definition and conceptual framework and its history– Models of microfinance – Microcredit Vs Micro-savings Vs Microfinance – Microfinance institutions (MFI) Development of microfinance in India – GOI, RBI, MFDF and NABARD initiatives for development of microfinance in India – Innovative microfinance models in India – Issues faced by microfinance in India-Micro delivery mechanism – case study of SKS MFI and Grameen Bank-NGO and SHG. Y.H. Malegam committee report on Microfinance – Microfinance and poverty – Microfinance and economic development – microfinance and rural development – microfinance and women empowerment – Microfinance and informal finance sector – Microfinance and small business development.

Teaching Hours:10
Securitization and Mutual Funds

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Securitization of debt- Meaning-Features- Special Purpose Vehicle- Pass Through Certificate & mechanism –Benefits of Securitization – Issues in Securitization Stock Broking: introduction, bodies Regulating Stock Broking Firms-Functions of Stock Broking Firms - Services of Depository and functions -Stock lending and Borrowing - Mutual fund: Types Mutual Funds – Advantages of mutual funds - Exchange Traded Funds-Trust-AMC-Custodians-Sponsor – Hedge funds- Regulations on mutual funds in India- Net Asset Value - Selection of a Fund – Performance Evaluation of Mutual funds.

Teaching Hours:10
Securitization and Mutual Funds

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Securitization of debt- Meaning-Features- Special Purpose Vehicle- Pass Through Certificate & mechanism –Benefits of Securitization – Issues in Securitization Stock Broking: introduction, bodies Regulating Stock Broking Firms-Functions of Stock Broking Firms - Services of Depository and functions -Stock lending and Borrowing - Mutual fund: Types Mutual Funds – Advantages of mutual funds - Exchange Traded Funds-Trust-AMC-Custodians-Sponsor – Hedge funds- Regulations on mutual funds in India- Net Asset Value - Selection of a Fund – Performance Evaluation of Mutual funds.

Teaching Hours:10
Underwriting & Leasing

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Underwriting:  meaning – types – mechanism – benefits and functions – Indian Scenario – underwriting agencies – underwriter – underwriting agreement – SEBI guidelines; Leasing: Characteristics - Types - Participants - Myths about Leasing - Hire Purchase - Lease Financing Vs Hire Purchase Financing

Teaching Hours:10
Underwriting & Leasing

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Underwriting:  meaning – types – mechanism – benefits and functions – Indian Scenario – underwriting agencies – underwriter – underwriting agreement – SEBI guidelines; Leasing: Characteristics - Types - Participants - Myths about Leasing - Hire Purchase - Lease Financing Vs Hire Purchase Financing

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Alternative Investing

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Introduction to alternative investing- History- Difference between traditional and alternative investments - purpose of investing in Alternative investment- AIM (Alternate Investment Market) in UK - TSX Ventures in Canada - GEM (Growth Enterprise Market) in Hong Kong - MOTHERS (Market of the high-growth and emerging stocks) in Japan - Catalist in Singapore – Chinext in China – Regulations and features of SME exchange in India – Listing in SME exchange in India.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Alternative Investing

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Introduction to alternative investing- History- Difference between traditional and alternative investments - purpose of investing in Alternative investment- AIM (Alternate Investment Market) in UK - TSX Ventures in Canada - GEM (Growth Enterprise Market) in Hong Kong - MOTHERS (Market of the high-growth and emerging stocks) in Japan - Catalist in Singapore – Chinext in China – Regulations and features of SME exchange in India – Listing in SME exchange in India.

Teaching Hours:10
Hedge Funds & Real Assets

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Hedge funds: Structure, categories & biases- Relative value & event driven strategies; Funds of Funds:  meaning- Idiosyncratic risk- selection of investment: Equity hedge fund- strategies-marker risk exposure –stock selection-difference between equity hedge fund & traditional investment;

Real assets: Key aspects of real assets- assessing real assets- valuation of real assets- Raw land-farmland- timber- infrastructure- intellectual property; Commodities: overview of commodity investing-access to commodities with future contract- commodities returns & sources of return; Private real estate and liquidity: types- Challenges- valuation approaches- disadvantages of private real estate.

Teaching Hours:10
Hedge Funds & Real Assets

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Hedge funds: Structure, categories & biases- Relative value & event driven strategies; Funds of Funds:  meaning- Idiosyncratic risk- selection of investment: Equity hedge fund- strategies-marker risk exposure –stock selection-difference between equity hedge fund & traditional investment;

Real assets: Key aspects of real assets- assessing real assets- valuation of real assets- Raw land-farmland- timber- infrastructure- intellectual property; Commodities: overview of commodity investing-access to commodities with future contract- commodities returns & sources of return; Private real estate and liquidity: types- Challenges- valuation approaches- disadvantages of private real estate.

Teaching Hours:10
Private Equity, Structured product & Liquid Alternative

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Private Equity: meaning – types- venture capital- leveraged buyouts- debt securities- access to private equity – private equity fund fee- challenges of internal rate of return- the J-curve- Key sources of returns from private equity; Structured product & Liquid Alternative: Credit Default swaps (CDS)-meaning-forms of payment- categories of trigger events and valuation- economic role of CDS in broader investment landscape- cycle of CDS- CDS indexes- CDS as tool for transferring & managing credit risk; Collateralized debt obligation (CDO)-overview of CDO- cash flow in CDO-default loss allocation-Credit rating impact on structure & performance of CDO- types of CDO- economic role of CDO in investment world; Liquid Alternative. 

Teaching Hours:10
Private Equity, Structured product & Liquid Alternative

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Private Equity: meaning – types- venture capital- leveraged buyouts- debt securities- access to private equity – private equity fund fee- challenges of internal rate of return- the J-curve- Key sources of returns from private equity; Structured product & Liquid Alternative: Credit Default swaps (CDS)-meaning-forms of payment- categories of trigger events and valuation- economic role of CDS in broader investment landscape- cycle of CDS- CDS indexes- CDS as tool for transferring & managing credit risk; Collateralized debt obligation (CDO)-overview of CDO- cash flow in CDO-default loss allocation-Credit rating impact on structure & performance of CDO- types of CDO- economic role of CDO in investment world; Liquid Alternative. 

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Gordon & Natarajan. (2016), Financial Markets And Services, Himalaya Publishing House. India
  2. “Handbook of Alternative Assets”, by Mark J. P. Anson, John Wiley & Sons (2006)
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. M Y Khan (2017).  Financial services. India:  Tata McGraw-Hill Education India
  2. Shashi K. Gupta &Nisha Agarwal. (2015). Financial Services. Kalyani Publishing. India
  3. Jason A. Scharfman,2020 ‘Alternative investments operations: Hedge Funds, Private Equity, and funds of funds’, Palgrave Macmillan.
  4. Donald R. ChambersMark J. P. AnsonKeith H. BlackHossein B. Kazemi, 2020, Alternative investments: CAIA Level I, Wiley publication. (Kindle Edition)
Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description



To acquaint the candidates with the different aspects of life insurance and general insurance its different applications and its detailed features. It gives the reader an insight into the different types of life insurance plans products, and its variations. The method of premium calculation and bonus, the different types of annuity plans, group insurance plans etc., are explained in a lucid style, for an easy understanding. Topics on Unit-linked policies, nomination and assignments, lapsed and revival of policies, surrender values and foreclosure, as also policy claims have all been brought out very well. General insurance policies, underwriting practices, claims management, accounting, investments and customer service.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Choose the correct type of life insurance plan for individuals for a given set of individual's needs.

CO2: Choose the correct type of general insurance product for individual and business purposes for a given set needs.

CO3: Demonstrate the usage of exclusions, conditions and clauses for both General and Life Insurance products

CO4: Calculate premium for a term life insurance policy

CO5: Apply the knowledge of principles and practices of Life insurance for effective underwriting of products.

CO6: Apply the knowledge of principles and practices of General insurance for effective underwriting of products.

Teaching Hours:3
Practice of Life Insurance

Introduction to Life Insurance, Need and Trends 

Teaching Hours:3
Practice of Life Insurance

Introduction to Life Insurance, Need and Trends 

Teaching Hours:2
Premiums and Bonuses

Concept of premium – Different types of premium – Different factors considered in calculating premium –

Teaching Hours:2
Premiums and Bonuses

Concept of premium – Different types of premium – Different factors considered in calculating premium –

Teaching Hours:6
Plans of Life insurance


Different types of life insurance plans – Term Plan –Endowment Plan – Money Back Insurance Plan – Whole-Life Insurance Plan – Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) – Joint Life Insurance Plans – Child Insurance Plans – Rider benefits – Industrial life insurance – MWP Policies– Keyman insurance – Health insurance and its types.

Teaching Hours:6
Plans of Life insurance


Different types of life insurance plans – Term Plan –Endowment Plan – Money Back Insurance Plan – Whole-Life Insurance Plan – Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) – Joint Life Insurance Plans – Child Insurance Plans – Rider benefits – Industrial life insurance – MWP Policies– Keyman insurance – Health insurance and its types.

Teaching Hours:2


Understand the concept of annuity – Different types of annuity plans – Advantages and disadvantages of annuity –Annuity Vs Life Insurance – Important terms used in annuity

Teaching Hours:2


Understand the concept of annuity – Different types of annuity plans – Advantages and disadvantages of annuity –Annuity Vs Life Insurance – Important terms used in annuity

Teaching Hours:3
Group Insurance

Importance of group insurance schemes – Main features of group insurance schemes – Eligibility conditions in group insurance – Different types of group insurance schemes

Teaching Hours:3
Group Insurance

Importance of group insurance schemes – Main features of group insurance schemes – Eligibility conditions in group insurance – Different types of group insurance schemes

Teaching Hours:2
Linked Life Insurance Policies

Concept of Unit-linked policies

Teaching Hours:2
Linked Life Insurance Policies

Concept of Unit-linked policies

Teaching Hours:2
Applications and Acceptance


Fundamentals of life insurance contracts – Principles of utmost good faith – Insurable interest Life insurance policy application and process – Proposal form and related documents.

Teaching Hours:2
Applications and Acceptance


Fundamentals of life insurance contracts – Principles of utmost good faith – Insurable interest Life insurance policy application and process – Proposal form and related documents.

Teaching Hours:2
Policy Documents


Importance of a policy document – Format of a policy document – Policy schedule and its various components – Conditions and privileges in a policy document – Duplicate policies.

Teaching Hours:2
Policy Documents


Importance of a policy document – Format of a policy document – Policy schedule and its various components – Conditions and privileges in a policy document – Duplicate policies.

Teaching Hours:2
Premium payment, policy lapse and revival

Premium calculations – Surrender value and non-forfeiture options – Revival of lapsed policies and its types

Teaching Hours:2
Premium payment, policy lapse and revival

Premium calculations – Surrender value and non-forfeiture options – Revival of lapsed policies and its types

Teaching Hours:3
Assignment, Nomination and Surrender of policy

Assignment of life insurance policies – Conditional assignment – Absolute assignment – Process of Assignment – Nomination – Process of Nomination – Features of Nomination – Assignment Vs Nomination

Teaching Hours:3
Assignment, Nomination and Surrender of policy

Assignment of life insurance policies – Conditional assignment – Absolute assignment – Process of Assignment – Nomination – Process of Nomination – Features of Nomination – Assignment Vs Nomination

Teaching Hours:3
Policy Claims

Different types of policy claims – Survival Benefits – Death Claims – Maturity Claims – Submission of Proof of title at claim processing stage – Early Claims & Non –early claims – Documents required for processing early claims – Death due to un-natural causes or accidents

Teaching Hours:3
Policy Claims

Different types of policy claims – Survival Benefits – Death Claims – Maturity Claims – Submission of Proof of title at claim processing stage – Early Claims & Non –early claims – Documents required for processing early claims – Death due to un-natural causes or accidents

Teaching Hours:3
Practice of General Insurance

ntroduction of Indian Insurance Market – Structure, Classification, Salient features of Indian general insurance market – Development of international insurance market – Global


relationship – Types of roles in insurance industry

Teaching Hours:3
Practice of General Insurance

ntroduction of Indian Insurance Market – Structure, Classification, Salient features of Indian general insurance market – Development of international insurance market – Global


relationship – Types of roles in insurance industry

Teaching Hours:4
Introduction to General Insurance

Introduction of Indian Insurance Market – Structure, Classification, Salient features of Indian general insurance market – Development of international insurance market – Global


relationship – Types of roles in insurance industry

Teaching Hours:4
Introduction to General Insurance

Introduction of Indian Insurance Market – Structure, Classification, Salient features of Indian general insurance market – Development of international insurance market – Global


relationship – Types of roles in insurance industry

Teaching Hours:2
Policy Documents and forms

Insurance contract & elements – Components of an insurance policy - Interpretation of policies,

Teaching Hours:2
Policy Documents and forms

Insurance contract & elements – Components of an insurance policy - Interpretation of policies,

Teaching Hours:12
General Insurance products

Fire & Marine Insurance,Motor , Liability ,Engineering and Other Insurance - Meaning , Perils, Clauses, Covers, and Exclusions

Teaching Hours:12
General Insurance products

Fire & Marine Insurance,Motor , Liability ,Engineering and Other Insurance - Meaning , Perils, Clauses, Covers, and Exclusions

Teaching Hours:3


Concept and process of underwriting - Risk Management – Types of reinsurance – Method of reinsurance - Insurer’s role in risk management – Risk evaluation - Documentation procedure

Teaching Hours:3


Concept and process of underwriting - Risk Management – Types of reinsurance – Method of reinsurance - Insurer’s role in risk management – Risk evaluation - Documentation procedure

Teaching Hours:3
Ratings & Premium


Premium–Claims trends and factors – Burning cost method – Accuracy and reliability of outstanding claims reserves –

Teaching Hours:3
Ratings & Premium


Premium–Claims trends and factors – Burning cost method – Accuracy and reliability of outstanding claims reserves –

Teaching Hours:3

Preliminary procedure –Loss minimization – Procedure – Process of claim management – Arbitration - Modes of settlement – Recoveries - Identifying claim


Teaching Hours:3

Preliminary procedure –Loss minimization – Procedure – Process of claim management – Arbitration - Modes of settlement – Recoveries - Identifying claim


Teaching Hours:4
Insurance Reserves & Accounting

Types of reserves ,Reserving process of insurance companies – Investment theories

Teaching Hours:4
Insurance Reserves & Accounting

Types of reserves ,Reserving process of insurance companies – Investment theories

Text Books And Reference Books:


  • IC 02 - PRACTICE OF LIFE INSURANCE ;(Revised Edition: 2016), Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai

  • IC 11 - PRACTICE OF GENERAL INSURANCE; (Revised Edition: 2016), Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  • Davis W. Gregg, Life and health insurance handbook

  • John Magee & David Bicklhaupt, General Insurance

  • R.D.Samarth, Operational Transformation of General Insurance Industry during the period 1950 to 1990 &Beyond

  • Arun Agarwal / P R Rao, Study on Distribution Functions in General Insurance & Role of Intermediaries

  • Martin Frappoli, General Insurance for Information Technology Professionals

Evaluation Pattern

CIA and ESE 


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

This course will help the students to expand their understanding in applying core financial management concepts and techniques for strategic decision making. It covers basic concepts of finance, risk analysis, investment decision analysis, strategic aspects to - cost management, mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring; ethical considerations and the concept, need and implication of corporate governance.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Critique the various strategies available for the effective financial management of the firm.

CO2: Check the risk associated with various sources of finance and their costs.

CO3: Evaluate the long-term investment proposals and select the best alternative for the firm

CO4: Critique the corporate financial restructuring and expansion through merger and acquisitions (M&A)

CO5: Ensure the understanding about corporate governance principles in the context of ethical dilemma

CO6: Ensure the understanding about various approaches of corporate valuation

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction and Ethical Aspects in SFM

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Meaning of SFM - Reasons for managing business financially - 9-s model for SFM - Financial goals and strategy- Value Chain analysis- Cost Benefit analysis- Strategic Business Units-Strategic Planning process- Life –Cycle costing- Activity Based costing - 

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction and Ethical Aspects in SFM

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Meaning of SFM - Reasons for managing business financially - 9-s model for SFM - Financial goals and strategy- Value Chain analysis- Cost Benefit analysis- Strategic Business Units-Strategic Planning process- Life –Cycle costing- Activity Based costing - 

Teaching Hours:10
Risk analysis & Classification

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Types of risk - Financial risk- market risk and credit risk, foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, counterparty risk, systemic risk- operational risk, Strategic risk, Risk and return analysis (practical problems involving expected return and risk)- Difficulties in measurement of risk, Risk classification system-COSO

Teaching Hours:10
Risk analysis & Classification

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Types of risk - Financial risk- market risk and credit risk, foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, counterparty risk, systemic risk- operational risk, Strategic risk, Risk and return analysis (practical problems involving expected return and risk)- Difficulties in measurement of risk, Risk classification system-COSO

Teaching Hours:12
Investment decision and project cash flows

Level of knowledge: Analytical

Long- term Investment decisions- Types of long term investment decisions- Phases in long term investment decisions- Different analyses for evaluating an investment proposal- Estimation of project cash flow- Initial cash flow, Sunk cost, Terminal cash flow (problems on estimation of cash flow) – Relevant cost analysis (concept)

Teaching Hours:12
Investment decision and project cash flows

Level of knowledge: Analytical

Long- term Investment decisions- Types of long term investment decisions- Phases in long term investment decisions- Different analyses for evaluating an investment proposal- Estimation of project cash flow- Initial cash flow, Sunk cost, Terminal cash flow (problems on estimation of cash flow) – Relevant cost analysis (concept)

Teaching Hours:12
Capital Budgeting Decisions

Level of Knowledge – Conceptual & Working

Capital budgeting decisions Capital budgeting decisions under uncertainty and risky situations-Concept of probability & expected value Certainty Equivalent approach, Simulation and Decision tree analysis, Sensitivity analysis, Replacement decisions, Effect of inflation on CB decisions (case study).

Teaching Hours:12
Capital Budgeting Decisions

Level of Knowledge – Conceptual & Working

Capital budgeting decisions Capital budgeting decisions under uncertainty and risky situations-Concept of probability & expected value Certainty Equivalent approach, Simulation and Decision tree analysis, Sensitivity analysis, Replacement decisions, Effect of inflation on CB decisions (case study).

Teaching Hours:10
Expansion and Financial Re-structuring


Level of Knowledge – Conceptual & Working

Need for financial restructuring - Restructuring through privatization-Restructuring of sick companies - Mergers and amalgamations – Calculation of purchase consideration- Share exchange ratio- Evaluation of M&A decisions (problems)- legal procedure for merger – benefits and cost of merger; Corporate and distress restructuring – Demergers- Leverage buyout-share repurchases-Spin off-Divestiture.

Teaching Hours:10
Expansion and Financial Re-structuring


Level of Knowledge – Conceptual & Working

Need for financial restructuring - Restructuring through privatization-Restructuring of sick companies - Mergers and amalgamations – Calculation of purchase consideration- Share exchange ratio- Evaluation of M&A decisions (problems)- legal procedure for merger – benefits and cost of merger; Corporate and distress restructuring – Demergers- Leverage buyout-share repurchases-Spin off-Divestiture.

Teaching Hours:10
Corporate Governance and Valuation

Level of Knowledge- Conceptual and Analytical

Ethical Dilemma faced by Financial Managers - Need for corporate social responsibility – Key stakeholders - Corporate governance - Principles - Audit Committee- Role of BOD- Good CG practices (case study)- Role of ESG in investment decisions-ways to effectively measure ESG compliance. Reasons for valuation of business enterprise - Different Approaches to corporate valuation – Discounted Cash Flow valuation- FCFF, NOPLAT, FCFE, EVA- Traditional techniques of evaluating value- ROI, EBIT, EBIDTA, ROCE, RONA- New approaches to shareholder valuation—Brief Introduction to Financial Modelling.

Teaching Hours:10
Corporate Governance and Valuation

Level of Knowledge- Conceptual and Analytical

Ethical Dilemma faced by Financial Managers - Need for corporate social responsibility – Key stakeholders - Corporate governance - Principles - Audit Committee- Role of BOD- Good CG practices (case study)- Role of ESG in investment decisions-ways to effectively measure ESG compliance. Reasons for valuation of business enterprise - Different Approaches to corporate valuation – Discounted Cash Flow valuation- FCFF, NOPLAT, FCFE, EVA- Traditional techniques of evaluating value- ROI, EBIT, EBIDTA, ROCE, RONA- New approaches to shareholder valuation—Brief Introduction to Financial Modelling.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Rustagi., R P (6th Revised Edition, October 2018), Financial Management - Theory, Concepts And Problem, New Delhi: Taxman Publications Pvt. Limited.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Pandey.I.M. (2015)Financial Management( 9 ed ). New Delhi: Vikas Publications
  2. Jakothiya.,Girish. .(2000) .Strategic Financial Management.New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
  3. Prasanna,C.(2016)Corporate Valuation and Value creation. New Delhi: TATA McGraw Hill
Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

The course is framed to create an appreciation of the importance of the Regulatory Environment necessary for the orderly and smooth functioning of the Insurance Business in India. The course provides an overview of Functions of IRDA, Licensing, Financial Regulatory aspects of Solvency margin and Investments. This course prepares students to learn complex rules and regulations of insurance in a simple manner.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate various legislations related to insurance in India

CO2: Describe the functions of IRDA

CO3: Identify the procedural requirements for licensing of various insurance intermediaries

CO4: Appraise policy holder's rights of nomination, assignment and transfer

CO5: Explain the role of insurance Ombudsman and other jurisdiction authorities for Insurance

Teaching Hours:5
Development of Insurance Legislation in India and Insurance Act 1938

Development and growth of Life and Non-life Insurance industry in India – Nationalization of insurance Industry –Insurance association and Life and General Councils – GIBNA.

Teaching Hours:5
Development of Insurance Legislation in India and Insurance Act 1938

Development and growth of Life and Non-life Insurance industry in India – Nationalization of insurance Industry –Insurance association and Life and General Councils – GIBNA.

Teaching Hours:8
IRDA Functions and Insurance Councils

Mission and Composition of IRDA –Duties and powers and Functions of IRDA –Regulations issued –Motor Vehicle Act 1988 – Salient features – No Fault liability – Hit and Run Accidents – Marine Insurance Act – The Bill of Lading Act – Indian Railways Act – Carriage of Goods by Sea act and various other acts – Workmen’s compensation Act – Employee State Insurance Act – Public Liability act – General and Life Insurance Councils – Formation, duration and dissolution of Executive committee – Functions and Powers of the executive committee.

Teaching Hours:8
IRDA Functions and Insurance Councils

Mission and Composition of IRDA –Duties and powers and Functions of IRDA –Regulations issued –Motor Vehicle Act 1988 – Salient features – No Fault liability – Hit and Run Accidents – Marine Insurance Act – The Bill of Lading Act – Indian Railways Act – Carriage of Goods by Sea act and various other acts – Workmen’s compensation Act – Employee State Insurance Act – Public Liability act – General and Life Insurance Councils – Formation, duration and dissolution of Executive committee – Functions and Powers of the executive committee.

Teaching Hours:10
IRDA and its Licensing Functions

Licensing functions of IRDA-Code of Conduct, Qualifications, functions, Validity  and Renewal of license applicable to Brokers, Agents and Corporate Agents – Regulations for Third Party Administrators(TPA) –procedure for obtaining a license – revocation and cancellation – code of conduct and maintaining confidentiality by TPA – Procedure for Registration of Insurance companies – General and Capital Requirements – renewal and suspension of Registration – cancellation and revival of registration – Regulations for Registration of Life and General reinsurance – Code of Conduct and Categorization of Surveyors – licensing procedures – Duties and Responsibilities and practical training – Practical Training – Inspection

Teaching Hours:10
IRDA and its Licensing Functions

Licensing functions of IRDA-Code of Conduct, Qualifications, functions, Validity  and Renewal of license applicable to Brokers, Agents and Corporate Agents – Regulations for Third Party Administrators(TPA) –procedure for obtaining a license – revocation and cancellation – code of conduct and maintaining confidentiality by TPA – Procedure for Registration of Insurance companies – General and Capital Requirements – renewal and suspension of Registration – cancellation and revival of registration – Regulations for Registration of Life and General reinsurance – Code of Conduct and Categorization of Surveyors – licensing procedures – Duties and Responsibilities and practical training – Practical Training – Inspection

Teaching Hours:12
Regulations on Conduct of Business

IRDA regulations on Obligation of Insurers for rural and Social sector – Classification of Rural – Obligations for Rural and social sector before and Sixth financial Plan onwards – Micro Insurance –concept and origin – Govt.  recommendations on Micro Insurance – Conditions for Micro Insurance  Agents – Life  and Non-life Micro Insurers Product parameters – Regulation and working of ULIPs – IRDA guidelines – regulatory environment of ULIPs – Anti Money laundering – Concept and reasons – Stages and methods  of Money laundering – Legislations  and RBI guidelines – Know Your Customer process – Product  and customer profile – Manner  and Method of receipt of Premium – compliance of Sec 64 VB and relaxations – Memorandum of exchange Control regulations relating to Life and  General Insurance premiums and claims for Residents and Non-residents– Sharing Data base Regulations– Approval and restriction on business of referral company – Obligations of Referral and Insurer’s – IRDA regulations on Advertisements – Compliance  and control – Statutory warnings.

Teaching Hours:12
Regulations on Conduct of Business

IRDA regulations on Obligation of Insurers for rural and Social sector – Classification of Rural – Obligations for Rural and social sector before and Sixth financial Plan onwards – Micro Insurance –concept and origin – Govt.  recommendations on Micro Insurance – Conditions for Micro Insurance  Agents – Life  and Non-life Micro Insurers Product parameters – Regulation and working of ULIPs – IRDA guidelines – regulatory environment of ULIPs – Anti Money laundering – Concept and reasons – Stages and methods  of Money laundering – Legislations  and RBI guidelines – Know Your Customer process – Product  and customer profile – Manner  and Method of receipt of Premium – compliance of Sec 64 VB and relaxations – Memorandum of exchange Control regulations relating to Life and  General Insurance premiums and claims for Residents and Non-residents– Sharing Data base Regulations– Approval and restriction on business of referral company – Obligations of Referral and Insurer’s – IRDA regulations on Advertisements – Compliance  and control – Statutory warnings.

Teaching Hours:8
Policy Holders Rights of Assignment, Nomination and Transfer

Assignment and Transfer of policies – Recommendations of Law commission – Nomination by Policy Holder – Prohibition of Rebates – Repudiation clause – Recommendations of Law clause – Provisions of sec 64 VB – Exemptions toSec64 VB – Provisions for Nomination of policies – Recommendations of law commission – Provision for prohibition of rebates – Repudiation Clause.

Teaching Hours:8
Policy Holders Rights of Assignment, Nomination and Transfer

Assignment and Transfer of policies – Recommendations of Law commission – Nomination by Policy Holder – Prohibition of Rebates – Repudiation clause – Recommendations of Law clause – Provisions of sec 64 VB – Exemptions toSec64 VB – Provisions for Nomination of policies – Recommendations of law commission – Provision for prohibition of rebates – Repudiation Clause.

Teaching Hours:8
Protection of Policy Holders Interest

Stages of Insurance Policy – Pre and Post stage of Insurance Cycle – Free look period –its objective – Matters to be stated in a Life and General Insurance Policy – Grievance Redressal – Complaint handling –Policy Holders Servicing Procedures – Claim procedures for Life and General Insurance Policies – Format of Key Feature documents.

Teaching Hours:8
Protection of Policy Holders Interest

Stages of Insurance Policy – Pre and Post stage of Insurance Cycle – Free look period –its objective – Matters to be stated in a Life and General Insurance Policy – Grievance Redressal – Complaint handling –Policy Holders Servicing Procedures – Claim procedures for Life and General Insurance Policies – Format of Key Feature documents.

Teaching Hours:3
Dispute Resolution Mechanism

Consumer protection Act – Feature and Structure – Appeals and penalties – Ombudsman –Nature of complaints – Pre requisite for filing Complaints – Suggested amendments by law commission – Jurisdiction.

Teaching Hours:3
Dispute Resolution Mechanism

Consumer protection Act – Feature and Structure – Appeals and penalties – Ombudsman –Nature of complaints – Pre requisite for filing Complaints – Suggested amendments by law commission – Jurisdiction.

Teaching Hours:4
Financial Regulatory aspects of Solvency margin and Investments

Reserves maintained by Insurance companies – Management of reserves – Stakeholders – Types of Technical Reserves – Reserving Process followed by Insurance Companies – Premium Investment strategies –Indian regulations – Insurance Accounting.

Teaching Hours:4
Financial Regulatory aspects of Solvency margin and Investments

Reserves maintained by Insurance companies – Management of reserves – Stakeholders – Types of Technical Reserves – Reserving Process followed by Insurance Companies – Premium Investment strategies –Indian regulations – Insurance Accounting.

Teaching Hours:2
International Trends in Insurance Regulation

Purpose and area of focus of regulations – Regulatory systems of other countries.

Teaching Hours:2
International Trends in Insurance Regulation

Purpose and area of focus of regulations – Regulatory systems of other countries.

Text Books And Reference Books:

      IC 14 - REGULATIONS OF INSURANCE BUSINESS (Revised Edition: 2018), Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Right to Information Act 
  2. Guidelines for Grievance Redressal by Insurance Companies
  3. IRDA guidelines and websites. 
Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:0
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


One key element of the BCom (Honours) programme is Internship. To help the students to face the challenges in this rapidly changing world, internship training is crucial. The purpose of the Internship is to provide students with an authentic learning environment for an integrated and holistic education.   The work carried out by the student in the internship should be relevant to the areas of accounting/Finance/investment/ banking /insurance/ auditing & taxation.

Learning Outcome

CO1: To gain experiential learning.

CO2: To gain working experience in an actual workplace environment.

CO3: To integrate theory and practice, and to understand limitations of their current knowledge.

CO4: To work in a team and to collaborate with people with diverse background.

CO5: To broaden their social and cultural experience, and to develop their social and cultural values and to prepare for their life-long career

Teaching Hours:0
The study should cover the following topics:
  • Profile of the organization.
  • Mission, objectives & strategies of the organization.
  • Organization design & structure
  • Policies & procedures followed.
  • Products, competitors.
  • SWOT analysis of the organization.
  • Key result areas of the organization.
  • Sales development.
  • System of accounting followed.
  • Significant factors for success.
  • Performance appraisal system.
  • Financial highlights.
  • Future plans for growth of the organization.
  • Sustainability.
  • Students should interact with the faculty mentor & report the progress made.
  • The Internship report has to be submitted latest by July 1st which will be evaluated.
Teaching Hours:0
The study should cover the following topics:
  • Profile of the organization.
  • Mission, objectives & strategies of the organization.
  • Organization design & structure
  • Policies & procedures followed.
  • Products, competitors.
  • SWOT analysis of the organization.
  • Key result areas of the organization.
  • Sales development.
  • System of accounting followed.
  • Significant factors for success.
  • Performance appraisal system.
  • Financial highlights.
  • Future plans for growth of the organization.
  • Sustainability.
  • Students should interact with the faculty mentor & report the progress made.
  • The Internship report has to be submitted latest by July 1st which will be evaluated.
Text Books And Reference Books:


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern


Duration: 6 weeks

Marks 50 (presentation and project evaluation); Credits: 02 

  1. Each student should undertake an internship study of the organization for a period of six weeks during April & May.
  2. This study will help the student to have a clear knowledge of what an organization is & the major factors that lead to structuring of the organization & how good an organization structure will enable in achieving the objectives effectively & efficiently. The study will also reinforce the theoretical knowledge acquired in terms of applications.
  3. Students must secure internship only in the area of his/her specialization ie Accounting / Finance / Investment / Banking / Insurance /Auditing & Taxation.
  4. Student must seek the approval of the faculty guide prior to confirming the selection of the company where he/she wishes to intern with.
  5. The work profile of the intern should be such that it adds value to the respective professions that he/she wishes to pursue after the Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) programme.
  6. Work profile such as such as that of front office -reception, door to door sales promotion, re-recording or typing (pure data entry), review of reports, mere observation and the likes of same are not considered as valid internships. 
  7. Faculty mentor will be assigned for each student by the department.
  8. The study should cover the following topics:

        Profile of the organization.

        Mission, objectives & strategies of the organization.

        Organization design & structure

        Policies & procedures followed.

        Products, competitors.

        SWOT analysis of the organization.

        Key result areas of the organization.

        Sales development.

        System of accounting followed.

        Significant factors for success.

        Performance appraisal system.

        Financial highlights.

        Future plans for growth of the organization.


  1. Students should interact with the faculty mentor & report the progress made.
  2. The Internship report has to be submitted to the department as per the specfied date to the department which will be evaluated.



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

Information has been the crux for business success. The advancement in computing and information technology has created the opportunity for businesses to store, organize and analyze vast amounts of their customer data for decision making. This course introduces concepts of database analytics, methods and tools with concrete examples from industry applications. Students will learn the fundamentals & advancement of data analytics driven strategies in creating an edge in today’s competitive business environment.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts and terminologies in business analytics.

CO2: Explain fundamental concepts related to databases and database structures.

CO3: Identify valid and reliable ways to collect and analyze information

CO4: Demonstrate time series analysis methods for forecasting

CO5: Apply predictive analytic techniques to assess unsupervised learning

CO6: Employ data visualization tools to present information for decision makers.

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Business Analytics

Concept of analytics, Types of Analytics and purpose: Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive, Business Analytics maturity curve, Application fields - Marketing Analytics, Finance Analytics, HR Analytics, Operation Analytics, Emerging concepts in analytics – machine learning, neural network, affective computing, block chain, Data Mart, Data Lake.

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Business Analytics

Concept of analytics, Types of Analytics and purpose: Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive, Business Analytics maturity curve, Application fields - Marketing Analytics, Finance Analytics, HR Analytics, Operation Analytics, Emerging concepts in analytics – machine learning, neural network, affective computing, block chain, Data Mart, Data Lake.

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Business Analytics

Concept of analytics, Types of Analytics and purpose: Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive, Business Analytics maturity curve, Application fields - Marketing Analytics, Finance Analytics, HR Analytics, Operation Analytics, Emerging concepts in analytics – machine learning, neural network, affective computing, block chain, Data Mart, Data Lake.

Teaching Hours:7
Data, Databases, Data warehouse and Data mining

Data, Vector, Data frame, Types of Data Sources- Structured Vs Semi structured Vs Unstructured data, Data Warehouse Vs Databases, Relational vs Non-Relational Database, RDBMS Data structures, Columnar Data structures, Data issues, Data Mining meaning, Association Rules

Teaching Hours:7
Data, Databases, Data warehouse and Data mining

Data, Vector, Data frame, Types of Data Sources- Structured Vs Semi structured Vs Unstructured data, Data Warehouse Vs Databases, Relational vs Non-Relational Database, RDBMS Data structures, Columnar Data structures, Data issues, Data Mining meaning, Association Rules

Teaching Hours:7
Data, Databases, Data warehouse and Data mining

Data, Vector, Data frame, Types of Data Sources- Structured Vs Semi structured Vs Unstructured data, Data Warehouse Vs Databases, Relational vs Non-Relational Database, RDBMS Data structures, Columnar Data structures, Data issues, Data Mining meaning, Association Rules

Teaching Hours:16
Analytics Methodology and Fundamental Statistical Analysis

Introduction to Analytics Methodology, Cross Industry standard process for Data Mining, preparing objectives & identifying data requirements, Data Collection, Understanding data, Data preparation –Data Blending – concatenate, Joiner, Filters (Column and Row), Aggregation,  Group-by,  Rule  Engine,  pivot.              Types of data, Levels of measurement, Categorical Vs Numerical variables, measures of central tendency, skewness, variance, standard deviation, covariance.

Teaching Hours:16
Analytics Methodology and Fundamental Statistical Analysis

Introduction to Analytics Methodology, Cross Industry standard process for Data Mining, preparing objectives & identifying data requirements, Data Collection, Understanding data, Data preparation –Data Blending – concatenate, Joiner, Filters (Column and Row), Aggregation,  Group-by,  Rule  Engine,  pivot.              Types of data, Levels of measurement, Categorical Vs Numerical variables, measures of central tendency, skewness, variance, standard deviation, covariance.

Teaching Hours:16
Analytics Methodology and Fundamental Statistical Analysis

Introduction to Analytics Methodology, Cross Industry standard process for Data Mining, preparing objectives & identifying data requirements, Data Collection, Understanding data, Data preparation –Data Blending – concatenate, Joiner, Filters (Column and Row), Aggregation,  Group-by,  Rule  Engine,  pivot.              Types of data, Levels of measurement, Categorical Vs Numerical variables, measures of central tendency, skewness, variance, standard deviation, covariance.

Teaching Hours:12
Time series Analysis

Trend Analysis, Seasonality and cyclical behaviour, Moving Average, Exponential smoothing methods – Single exponential, double exponential, HOLT-WINTERS, ARIMA, Multiple linear regression-based forecasting, financial modelling

Teaching Hours:12
Time series Analysis

Trend Analysis, Seasonality and cyclical behaviour, Moving Average, Exponential smoothing methods – Single exponential, double exponential, HOLT-WINTERS, ARIMA, Multiple linear regression-based forecasting, financial modelling

Teaching Hours:12
Time series Analysis

Trend Analysis, Seasonality and cyclical behaviour, Moving Average, Exponential smoothing methods – Single exponential, double exponential, HOLT-WINTERS, ARIMA, Multiple linear regression-based forecasting, financial modelling

Teaching Hours:14
Predictive Analytics

Correlation, Simple linear regression: coefficient of determination, significance tests, residual analysis, confidence and prediction intervals. Multiple linear regression: coefficient of multiple coefficient of determination, interpretation of regression coefficients, categorical variables, heteroscedasticity, multi-collinearity, outliers, autoregression and transformation of variables, Clustering, Decision trees, Random forests.

Teaching Hours:14
Predictive Analytics

Correlation, Simple linear regression: coefficient of determination, significance tests, residual analysis, confidence and prediction intervals. Multiple linear regression: coefficient of multiple coefficient of determination, interpretation of regression coefficients, categorical variables, heteroscedasticity, multi-collinearity, outliers, autoregression and transformation of variables, Clustering, Decision trees, Random forests.

Teaching Hours:14
Predictive Analytics

Correlation, Simple linear regression: coefficient of determination, significance tests, residual analysis, confidence and prediction intervals. Multiple linear regression: coefficient of multiple coefficient of determination, interpretation of regression coefficients, categorical variables, heteroscedasticity, multi-collinearity, outliers, autoregression and transformation of variables, Clustering, Decision trees, Random forests.

Teaching Hours:6
Fundamental Visualization

Graphs, Charts, Histograms, scatter plot, Maps, dashboard creation.

Teaching Hours:6
Fundamental Visualization

Graphs, Charts, Histograms, scatter plot, Maps, dashboard creation.

Teaching Hours:6
Fundamental Visualization

Graphs, Charts, Histograms, scatter plot, Maps, dashboard creation.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Turban E, Armson, JE, Liang, TP & Sharda, Decision support and Business Intelligence Systems, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2007
  2. Frank J. Ohlhorst, Big Data Analytics, 1st Edition, Wiley, 2012.
  3. Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Jay Aronson,  David King, Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 9th Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Additional Reading

  • Microsoft Office 2007 Business Intelligence - Reporting, Analysis, and Measurement from the Desktop, Doug Harts, TATA McGraw-Hill Edition, 2008
  • Data Mining for Business Intelligence: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Microsoft Office Excel with XLMiner, GalitShmueli, Nitin R. Patel, Peter C. Bruce, Wiley Publication, 2010
  • The New Science of Retailing: How Analytics are Transforming the Supply Chain and Improving Performance, Ananth Raman, Marshall Fisher, HBR Book Press, 2010
  • Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann Publication, 3rd Edition, 2011.
  • Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, Turban, E., Aronson, JE., Liang, T. Sharda R, Prentice Hall Publisher, 10th Edition, 2011
  • Data Science for Business – What you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking, Foster Provost, Tom Fawcelt, O’ Reilly Media Publication, 2013
Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Practical Lab based exam (No writing involved) 









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

This paper enables the students to have a deep understanding of the theoretical framework of Accounting and helps the students to have an in-depth knowledge of Accounting Standards to be followed while disclosing the books of accounts. It also familiarizes the students with the standards and procedures to be followed while valuing the various items of the Balance sheet. As a prerequisite, students should have a thorough understanding of various accounting concepts.

Course Objectives:

To make student understand the accounting for various inventory methods, revenue recognition process, valuation of Investments methods, valuation of Intangibles, segment reporting, asset impairment, interim financial reporting, foreign exchange transactions, valuation of property, plant, and equipment,

To make student understand tabulate the basic differences between the Accounting Standards (AS) the old version and latest Ind AS.

To make student prepare accounting records and financial statements from source documents in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

To make student apply extensive knowledge of accounting standards in solving complex accounting problems.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Explain the accounting for various inventory methods, revenue recognition process, valuation of Investments methods, valuation of Intangibles, segment reporting, asset impairment, interim financial reporting, foreign exchange transactions, valuation of property, plant, and equipment.

CO2: Tabulate the basic differences between the Accounting Standards (AS) the old version and latest Ind AS.

CO3: Prepare accounting records and financial statements from source documents in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

CO4: Apply extensive knowledge of accounting standards in solving complex accounting problems

Teaching Hours:4
Accounting Concepts and Principles

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Materiality concept, Money measurement concept, Cost concept, Conservatism, Accrual Vs Cash and Periodicity concept found relevant to be concept, Consistency concept, Business Entity concept, going concern concept, Duality or Accounting equivalence concept, Realization concept, Matching concept, Full disclosure. Accounting principles, Selection of accounting principles, Measurement in accounting, Measurement Constraints in accounting, accounting principles vs. Accounting policies


Teaching Hours:4
Accounting Concepts and Principles

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Materiality concept, Money measurement concept, Cost concept, Conservatism, Accrual Vs Cash and Periodicity concept found relevant to be concept, Consistency concept, Business Entity concept, going concern concept, Duality or Accounting equivalence concept, Realization concept, Matching concept, Full disclosure. Accounting principles, Selection of accounting principles, Measurement in accounting, Measurement Constraints in accounting, accounting principles vs. Accounting policies


Teaching Hours:4
Accounting Concepts and Principles

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Materiality concept, Money measurement concept, Cost concept, Conservatism, Accrual Vs Cash and Periodicity concept found relevant to be concept, Consistency concept, Business Entity concept, going concern concept, Duality or Accounting equivalence concept, Realization concept, Matching concept, Full disclosure. Accounting principles, Selection of accounting principles, Measurement in accounting, Measurement Constraints in accounting, accounting principles vs. Accounting policies


Teaching Hours:18
Accounting Standards 1-2

Standards by the ICAI, Scope of Accounting Standards: - Level-I Enterprises, Level- II Enterprises and Level- III Enterprises. Accounting Standards as per Companies Act 2013 and Income Tax Act 1961 to be included. NACAS and its role under Companies Act, 2013. IFRS, International Accounting Standards, IND AS and GAAP.

Disclosure of Accounting Policies AS -1

Scope, Need, Various areas where disclosure is mandatory, Change in Accounting Policies. Comparison of AS-1 with IND AS-1.

Valuation of Inventories AS -2

Objective, Definition, Measurement of Inventory – Cost inventories, Exclusion from the cost of inventories, Valuation of inventory – Specific identification method, First- in First- out method, Weighted Average cost, Standard cost, Retail inventory method, Net realizable value, Valuation of containers and empties, Disclosure in the financial statement, Corporate Accounting practices (Problems). Comparison of AS-2 with IND AS-2.


Teaching Hours:18
Accounting Standards 1-2

Standards by the ICAI, Scope of Accounting Standards: - Level-I Enterprises, Level- II Enterprises and Level- III Enterprises. Accounting Standards as per Companies Act 2013 and Income Tax Act 1961 to be included. NACAS and its role under Companies Act, 2013. IFRS, International Accounting Standards, IND AS and GAAP.

Disclosure of Accounting Policies AS -1

Scope, Need, Various areas where disclosure is mandatory, Change in Accounting Policies. Comparison of AS-1 with IND AS-1.

Valuation of Inventories AS -2

Objective, Definition, Measurement of Inventory – Cost inventories, Exclusion from the cost of inventories, Valuation of inventory – Specific identification method, First- in First- out method, Weighted Average cost, Standard cost, Retail inventory method, Net realizable value, Valuation of containers and empties, Disclosure in the financial statement, Corporate Accounting practices (Problems). Comparison of AS-2 with IND AS-2.


Teaching Hours:18
Accounting Standards 1-2

Standards by the ICAI, Scope of Accounting Standards: - Level-I Enterprises, Level- II Enterprises and Level- III Enterprises. Accounting Standards as per Companies Act 2013 and Income Tax Act 1961 to be included. NACAS and its role under Companies Act, 2013. IFRS, International Accounting Standards, IND AS and GAAP.

Disclosure of Accounting Policies AS -1

Scope, Need, Various areas where disclosure is mandatory, Change in Accounting Policies. Comparison of AS-1 with IND AS-1.

Valuation of Inventories AS -2

Objective, Definition, Measurement of Inventory – Cost inventories, Exclusion from the cost of inventories, Valuation of inventory – Specific identification method, First- in First- out method, Weighted Average cost, Standard cost, Retail inventory method, Net realizable value, Valuation of containers and empties, Disclosure in the financial statement, Corporate Accounting practices (Problems). Comparison of AS-2 with IND AS-2.


Teaching Hours:15
Accounting Standards 9-11

(Hours: 15)

Revenue Recognition AS -9

Revenue definition- Exclusions- Revenue from sale of goods, Revenue from rendering services, Revenue from use of resources by others-Disclosure Requirements-Timing of revenue recognition. Comparison of AS-9 with IND AS-18.

Property, Plant and Equipment AS -10

Definition, Objective, Recognition of assets Initial measurement, Subsequent costs, Measurement subsequent initial recognition, Revaluations, Increase /Decrease due to revaluation, Depreciation as per Schedule II of the Companies act,2013 and Guidance note, Impairment, Compensation for impairment, De-recognition: Accounting Treatment, Disclosure; Corporate practices, (Problems). Comparison of AS-10 with IND AS-16.

Effects of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates AS- 11

Need and objective, Scope and applicability, foreign currency transactions, Definitions, Classification for accounting treatment - Category- I-Foreign currency transactions; Category- II-Foreign operations; Category- III-Forward exchange contracts. Comparison of AS-11 with IND AS-21.


Teaching Hours:15
Accounting Standards 9-11

(Hours: 15)

Revenue Recognition AS -9

Revenue definition- Exclusions- Revenue from sale of goods, Revenue from rendering services, Revenue from use of resources by others-Disclosure Requirements-Timing of revenue recognition. Comparison of AS-9 with IND AS-18.

Property, Plant and Equipment AS -10

Definition, Objective, Recognition of assets Initial measurement, Subsequent costs, Measurement subsequent initial recognition, Revaluations, Increase /Decrease due to revaluation, Depreciation as per Schedule II of the Companies act,2013 and Guidance note, Impairment, Compensation for impairment, De-recognition: Accounting Treatment, Disclosure; Corporate practices, (Problems). Comparison of AS-10 with IND AS-16.

Effects of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates AS- 11

Need and objective, Scope and applicability, foreign currency transactions, Definitions, Classification for accounting treatment - Category- I-Foreign currency transactions; Category- II-Foreign operations; Category- III-Forward exchange contracts. Comparison of AS-11 with IND AS-21.


Teaching Hours:15
Accounting Standards 9-11

(Hours: 15)

Revenue Recognition AS -9

Revenue definition- Exclusions- Revenue from sale of goods, Revenue from rendering services, Revenue from use of resources by others-Disclosure Requirements-Timing of revenue recognition. Comparison of AS-9 with IND AS-18.

Property, Plant and Equipment AS -10

Definition, Objective, Recognition of assets Initial measurement, Subsequent costs, Measurement subsequent initial recognition, Revaluations, Increase /Decrease due to revaluation, Depreciation as per Schedule II of the Companies act,2013 and Guidance note, Impairment, Compensation for impairment, De-recognition: Accounting Treatment, Disclosure; Corporate practices, (Problems). Comparison of AS-10 with IND AS-16.

Effects of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates AS- 11

Need and objective, Scope and applicability, foreign currency transactions, Definitions, Classification for accounting treatment - Category- I-Foreign currency transactions; Category- II-Foreign operations; Category- III-Forward exchange contracts. Comparison of AS-11 with IND AS-21.


Teaching Hours:14
Accounting Standards 13, 16 &17

Accounting for Investments AS-13

Investment defined, Exception, Classification of investment, Cost of investments and Valuation of investments. Disposal of investments, Re-classification of investment, Disclosure of investment in the financial statements, (Problems). Comparison of AS- 13 with IND AS-32, AS-107 & AS-109.

Borrowing cost AS- 16

Meaning and coverage, Qualifying asset, Recognition of borrowing cost, Eligible items for borrowing cost, Specific borrowing, General borrowing, Capitalization ceiling, Commencement of capitalization, Conditions for capitalization, Suspension of capitalization, Cessation of

Capitalization, (Problems). Comparison of AS-16 with IND AS-23.

Segment reporting AS- 17

Meaning, Objective, Need for segment reporting. Types: Business segment, Geographical segment, Segment revenue, Segment expenses, Segment result, Segment assets, Segment liabilities, Primary and secondary segments. Corporate practices. Comparison of AS-17 with IND AS-108.


Teaching Hours:14
Accounting Standards 13, 16 &17

Accounting for Investments AS-13

Investment defined, Exception, Classification of investment, Cost of investments and Valuation of investments. Disposal of investments, Re-classification of investment, Disclosure of investment in the financial statements, (Problems). Comparison of AS- 13 with IND AS-32, AS-107 & AS-109.

Borrowing cost AS- 16

Meaning and coverage, Qualifying asset, Recognition of borrowing cost, Eligible items for borrowing cost, Specific borrowing, General borrowing, Capitalization ceiling, Commencement of capitalization, Conditions for capitalization, Suspension of capitalization, Cessation of

Capitalization, (Problems). Comparison of AS-16 with IND AS-23.

Segment reporting AS- 17

Meaning, Objective, Need for segment reporting. Types: Business segment, Geographical segment, Segment revenue, Segment expenses, Segment result, Segment assets, Segment liabilities, Primary and secondary segments. Corporate practices. Comparison of AS-17 with IND AS-108.


Teaching Hours:14
Accounting Standards 13, 16 &17

Accounting for Investments AS-13

Investment defined, Exception, Classification of investment, Cost of investments and Valuation of investments. Disposal of investments, Re-classification of investment, Disclosure of investment in the financial statements, (Problems). Comparison of AS- 13 with IND AS-32, AS-107 & AS-109.

Borrowing cost AS- 16

Meaning and coverage, Qualifying asset, Recognition of borrowing cost, Eligible items for borrowing cost, Specific borrowing, General borrowing, Capitalization ceiling, Commencement of capitalization, Conditions for capitalization, Suspension of capitalization, Cessation of

Capitalization, (Problems). Comparison of AS-16 with IND AS-23.

Segment reporting AS- 17

Meaning, Objective, Need for segment reporting. Types: Business segment, Geographical segment, Segment revenue, Segment expenses, Segment result, Segment assets, Segment liabilities, Primary and secondary segments. Corporate practices. Comparison of AS-17 with IND AS-108.


Teaching Hours:9
Accounting Standards 25-26

Interim Financial Reporting AS- 25

Meaning, financial statements, Need, Principles of recognition and measurements, Form and contents of interim financial statements, Disclosure requirements. Comparison of AS-25 with IND AS-34.

Intangible Assets AS- 26

Asset- Meaning, Types – Intangible assets- Meaning, Unidentifiable, Acquired identifiable, Internally generated identifiable intangible asset, Characteristics, Cost of intangible assets, Research and development, Accounting treatment of research and development cost, Determination of cost of internally generated brands, Amortization of intangibles – Different methods, Retirement and disposal, Disclosure of corporate practices. Comparison of AS-26 with IND AS-38.


Teaching Hours:9
Accounting Standards 25-26

Interim Financial Reporting AS- 25

Meaning, financial statements, Need, Principles of recognition and measurements, Form and contents of interim financial statements, Disclosure requirements. Comparison of AS-25 with IND AS-34.

Intangible Assets AS- 26

Asset- Meaning, Types – Intangible assets- Meaning, Unidentifiable, Acquired identifiable, Internally generated identifiable intangible asset, Characteristics, Cost of intangible assets, Research and development, Accounting treatment of research and development cost, Determination of cost of internally generated brands, Amortization of intangibles – Different methods, Retirement and disposal, Disclosure of corporate practices. Comparison of AS-26 with IND AS-38.


Teaching Hours:9
Accounting Standards 25-26

Interim Financial Reporting AS- 25

Meaning, financial statements, Need, Principles of recognition and measurements, Form and contents of interim financial statements, Disclosure requirements. Comparison of AS-25 with IND AS-34.

Intangible Assets AS- 26

Asset- Meaning, Types – Intangible assets- Meaning, Unidentifiable, Acquired identifiable, Internally generated identifiable intangible asset, Characteristics, Cost of intangible assets, Research and development, Accounting treatment of research and development cost, Determination of cost of internally generated brands, Amortization of intangibles – Different methods, Retirement and disposal, Disclosure of corporate practices. Comparison of AS-26 with IND AS-38.


Text Books And Reference Books:

Rawat D.S,  (2022). Accounting Standards. New Delhi: Taxmann Allied Services (p) Ltd.

M.P, Vijay Kumar. (2022). First Lessons on Accounting Standards. Mumbai: Snow White Publications Pvt.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

CA Study material

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Component 




Part A - Moodle based quiz. (MCQs).   

Based on Units 1 and AS 1 & 2 

Part B – Report on Annual Report of companies 



Mid Semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration. Unit 1, AS 1, 2, 9 and 10 



Group Presentation and Rebuttal (All Units) 


End Semester Examination 

Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration. (All units) 








COH633 - TAXATION LAWS - II (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

Every Assessee whose income crosses the taxable limit has to compulsorily pay taxes. Knowledge about returns and the procedure of Assessment helps every Assessee to comply with tax provisions. This course on Taxation Law-II is offered as a core paper in the sixth semester. It provides advanced knowledge on tax provisions prevailing and knowledge on the assessment of income of individuals and Companies. The course also includes “The goods and Services Act”, which came into force with effect from 1 July 2017 under the principle of One Nation, One Tax and One Market. It provides an overview of structure of GST Act, procedure for registration, the procedure to claim ITC, reverse charge mechanism, payment of GST.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Recall the concepts of tax planning, tax avoidance, and tax evasion and apply them in business decisions.

CO2: Compare the various alternatives in capital structure decisions and buy or lease decisions

CO3: Apply the tax provisions to identify the types of procedures of Assessment

CO4: Calculate the total income and estimate the tax liability of companies

CO5: Recall the important concepts of GST, apply tax provisions to identify the types of supply and explain the procedure for registration

CO6: Apply GST law to determine the transaction value, taxable value and set off Input tax credit

Teaching Hours:8
Tax Planning and Managerial Decisions

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Basic concepts: meaning of tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion. Requisites of good tax planning, factors and types of tax planning, benefits of tax planning. Tax planning based on-residential status, nature of business, form of business organization, tax planning and managerial decisions-capital structure decisions, own or lease an asset.

Teaching Hours:8
Tax Planning and Managerial Decisions

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Basic concepts: meaning of tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion. Requisites of good tax planning, factors and types of tax planning, benefits of tax planning. Tax planning based on-residential status, nature of business, form of business organization, tax planning and managerial decisions-capital structure decisions, own or lease an asset.

Teaching Hours:8
Tax Planning and Managerial Decisions

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Basic concepts: meaning of tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion. Requisites of good tax planning, factors and types of tax planning, benefits of tax planning. Tax planning based on-residential status, nature of business, form of business organization, tax planning and managerial decisions-capital structure decisions, own or lease an asset.

Teaching Hours:6
Return of Income and procedure for assessment

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Meaning and types (belated, revised and defective), Due dates for filing return, Authorized signatories, Consequence of non-filling Assessment- types- Self assessment, Summary assessment, Regular assessment, Best judgment assessment, Income escaping assessment.

Teaching Hours:6
Return of Income and procedure for assessment

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Meaning and types (belated, revised and defective), Due dates for filing return, Authorized signatories, Consequence of non-filling Assessment- types- Self assessment, Summary assessment, Regular assessment, Best judgment assessment, Income escaping assessment.

Teaching Hours:6
Return of Income and procedure for assessment

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Meaning and types (belated, revised and defective), Due dates for filing return, Authorized signatories, Consequence of non-filling Assessment- types- Self assessment, Summary assessment, Regular assessment, Best judgment assessment, Income escaping assessment.

Teaching Hours:10
Assessment of companies

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Meaning of, Indian company , domestic and foreign company, residential status, Minimum Alternate tax, Computation of book profits u/s 115JB, corporate dividend tax, Computation of total income , corporate tax rates and tax liability of company.

Teaching Hours:10
Assessment of companies

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Meaning of, Indian company , domestic and foreign company, residential status, Minimum Alternate tax, Computation of book profits u/s 115JB, corporate dividend tax, Computation of total income , corporate tax rates and tax liability of company.

Teaching Hours:10
Assessment of companies

Level of Knowledge: Analytical

Meaning of, Indian company , domestic and foreign company, residential status, Minimum Alternate tax, Computation of book profits u/s 115JB, corporate dividend tax, Computation of total income , corporate tax rates and tax liability of company.

Teaching Hours:14
Introduction to Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Level of knowledge: analytical objectives and basic scheme of GST, meaning – salient features of GST – subsuming of taxes – benefits of implementing GST – constitutional amendments - structure of GST (dual model) – central GST – state / union territory GST – integrated GST - GST council: structure, powers and functions, provisions for amendments. Definition: supply, aggregate turnover, capital goods, casual taxable person, composite supply, mixed supply, exempt supply, outward supply, zero rated supply, place of supply, goods, input service distributor, job work, manufacture, input tax, input tax credit, place of business, reverse charge, , casual taxable person.

Teaching Hours:14
Introduction to Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Level of knowledge: analytical objectives and basic scheme of GST, meaning – salient features of GST – subsuming of taxes – benefits of implementing GST – constitutional amendments - structure of GST (dual model) – central GST – state / union territory GST – integrated GST - GST council: structure, powers and functions, provisions for amendments. Definition: supply, aggregate turnover, capital goods, casual taxable person, composite supply, mixed supply, exempt supply, outward supply, zero rated supply, place of supply, goods, input service distributor, job work, manufacture, input tax, input tax credit, place of business, reverse charge, , casual taxable person.

Teaching Hours:14
Introduction to Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Level of knowledge: analytical objectives and basic scheme of GST, meaning – salient features of GST – subsuming of taxes – benefits of implementing GST – constitutional amendments - structure of GST (dual model) – central GST – state / union territory GST – integrated GST - GST council: structure, powers and functions, provisions for amendments. Definition: supply, aggregate turnover, capital goods, casual taxable person, composite supply, mixed supply, exempt supply, outward supply, zero rated supply, place of supply, goods, input service distributor, job work, manufacture, input tax, input tax credit, place of business, reverse charge, , casual taxable person.

Teaching Hours:12
Registration, Procedure and Levy under GST

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Procedure relating to Levy: (CGST & SGST): Registration under GST: procedure for registration, persons liable for registration, persons not liable for registration, compulsory registration, deemed registration, special provisions for casual taxable persons and non- resident taxable persons, Exempted goods and services - Rates of GST. Composition scheme. Scope of supply, Tax liability on Mixed and Composite supply, Time of supply of goods and services, Value of taxable supply, Computation of taxable value and tax liability.

Procedure relating to Levy: (IGST): Inter-state supply, intra-state supply, Zero rates supply, Value of taxable supply – Computation of taxable value and tax liability.

Teaching Hours:12
Registration, Procedure and Levy under GST

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Procedure relating to Levy: (CGST & SGST): Registration under GST: procedure for registration, persons liable for registration, persons not liable for registration, compulsory registration, deemed registration, special provisions for casual taxable persons and non- resident taxable persons, Exempted goods and services - Rates of GST. Composition scheme. Scope of supply, Tax liability on Mixed and Composite supply, Time of supply of goods and services, Value of taxable supply, Computation of taxable value and tax liability.

Procedure relating to Levy: (IGST): Inter-state supply, intra-state supply, Zero rates supply, Value of taxable supply – Computation of taxable value and tax liability.

Teaching Hours:12
Registration, Procedure and Levy under GST

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Procedure relating to Levy: (CGST & SGST): Registration under GST: procedure for registration, persons liable for registration, persons not liable for registration, compulsory registration, deemed registration, special provisions for casual taxable persons and non- resident taxable persons, Exempted goods and services - Rates of GST. Composition scheme. Scope of supply, Tax liability on Mixed and Composite supply, Time of supply of goods and services, Value of taxable supply, Computation of taxable value and tax liability.

Procedure relating to Levy: (IGST): Inter-state supply, intra-state supply, Zero rates supply, Value of taxable supply – Computation of taxable value and tax liability.

Teaching Hours:10
Input tax Credit

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Input tax Credit: Eligibility, Apportionment, Inputs on capital goods, Distribution of credit by Input Service Distributor (ISD) – Transfer of Input tax credit – Simple Problems on utilization of input tax credit. Return Filing: Procedures relating to Filing the monthly/quarterly returns, reconciliation and correction of online returns. Electronic Cash Ledger, Electronic Credit Ledger and provisions of internal set off of CGST/SGST and IGST.

Teaching Hours:10
Input tax Credit

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Input tax Credit: Eligibility, Apportionment, Inputs on capital goods, Distribution of credit by Input Service Distributor (ISD) – Transfer of Input tax credit – Simple Problems on utilization of input tax credit. Return Filing: Procedures relating to Filing the monthly/quarterly returns, reconciliation and correction of online returns. Electronic Cash Ledger, Electronic Credit Ledger and provisions of internal set off of CGST/SGST and IGST.

Teaching Hours:10
Input tax Credit

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Input tax Credit: Eligibility, Apportionment, Inputs on capital goods, Distribution of credit by Input Service Distributor (ISD) – Transfer of Input tax credit – Simple Problems on utilization of input tax credit. Return Filing: Procedures relating to Filing the monthly/quarterly returns, reconciliation and correction of online returns. Electronic Cash Ledger, Electronic Credit Ledger and provisions of internal set off of CGST/SGST and IGST.

Text Books And Reference Books:

  • Gaur, V.B. (2022). Planning and Management of Corporate Taxation. New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers.
  • Students guide to Income tax by VK Singhania, Taxmann Publication 23rd Edition,2022
  • Income Tax Law & Accounts; Dr. HC Mehrotra and Dr. S.P Goyal
  • Taxmann’s Direct Taxes law & practice with special reference to Tax Planning; Dr. Vinod K. Singhania & Dr. Kapil Singhania
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

This course seeks to provide an understanding of finance in an international setting. This course will explore the characteristics of international finance and evaluate the associated risks and benefits involved in operating globally. The course will emphasize on international currency issues when operating across national boundaries and the recent developments in international financing. The course aims at developing effective strategies for international financing and investment. As a prerequisite, the students should be having basic knowledge about concepts relating to financial management in domestic firms, business organization, basics of accounting and business management.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Evaluate the various sources international finance for the firm

CO2: Analyse the various aspects relating to Balance of Payments and problems associated.

CO3: Ensure the understanding about International Monetary System.

CO4: Critique the functions of foreign exchange markets as well as exchange rate mechanisms.

CO5: Check the different foreign exchange exposures available and evaluate the techniques to deal with foreign exchange risks.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to International Finance & International Trade

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Scope- Relevance of IFM- International Financial Management & Domestic Management- Scope of International finance- International business activities & methods-Motivation for international business- INCOTERMS associated with export- import financing - International Sources of Finance for the Firm– India’s FDI & FII position

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to International Finance & International Trade

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Scope- Relevance of IFM- International Financial Management & Domestic Management- Scope of International finance- International business activities & methods-Motivation for international business- INCOTERMS associated with export- import financing - International Sources of Finance for the Firm– India’s FDI & FII position

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to International Finance & International Trade

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Scope- Relevance of IFM- International Financial Management & Domestic Management- Scope of International finance- International business activities & methods-Motivation for international business- INCOTERMS associated with export- import financing - International Sources of Finance for the Firm– India’s FDI & FII position

Teaching Hours:7
Balance of Payment

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Analytical

Meaning- BOP manual- BOP accounting (Debit & Credit)- BOP statement &components- Current account-capital account- Official reserve account- Types and causes of disequilibrium-simple problems on preparation of BOP statement – India’s Balance of Payment Problem – Measures taken by RBI and Government of India

Teaching Hours:7
Balance of Payment

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Analytical

Meaning- BOP manual- BOP accounting (Debit & Credit)- BOP statement &components- Current account-capital account- Official reserve account- Types and causes of disequilibrium-simple problems on preparation of BOP statement – India’s Balance of Payment Problem – Measures taken by RBI and Government of India

Teaching Hours:7
Balance of Payment

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Analytical

Meaning- BOP manual- BOP accounting (Debit & Credit)- BOP statement &components- Current account-capital account- Official reserve account- Types and causes of disequilibrium-simple problems on preparation of BOP statement – India’s Balance of Payment Problem – Measures taken by RBI and Government of India

Teaching Hours:12
The International Monetary System

Level Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

International monetary system- Gold standard system- Price specie-Gold exchange standard- Bretton Woods & post Bretton woods system- Alternative exchange rate regimes (all types of systems)- IMF & World bank- Objectives & Functions of IMF & World Bank-IMF classification of exchange rate regime- Capital and current account convertibility – OECD – International Trade Agreements -Asian Development Bank – New Development Bank

Teaching Hours:12
The International Monetary System

Level Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

International monetary system- Gold standard system- Price specie-Gold exchange standard- Bretton Woods & post Bretton woods system- Alternative exchange rate regimes (all types of systems)- IMF & World bank- Objectives & Functions of IMF & World Bank-IMF classification of exchange rate regime- Capital and current account convertibility – OECD – International Trade Agreements -Asian Development Bank – New Development Bank

Teaching Hours:12
The International Monetary System

Level Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

International monetary system- Gold standard system- Price specie-Gold exchange standard- Bretton Woods & post Bretton woods system- Alternative exchange rate regimes (all types of systems)- IMF & World bank- Objectives & Functions of IMF & World Bank-IMF classification of exchange rate regime- Capital and current account convertibility – OECD – International Trade Agreements -Asian Development Bank – New Development Bank

Teaching Hours:12
The Foreign Exchange Market

Level of knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Foreign exchange market-market participants- Functions of Forex market- Information and communication systems – FEDAI (Foreign Exchange Dealers' Association of India ) -Forex rates - Forex quotations- Cross rates- Problems on conversion of direct to indirect, cross rate calculation, spread & spot forward transactions- Arbitrage- simple problems on two-point arbitrage and three point arbitrage- Nostro, Vostro accounts –Forward and Future spot rates- simple problems- Purchasing Power Parity (simple problems)- Interest Rate Parity - International Fisher effect- (problems ) – Role of Technology in Forex Trading

Teaching Hours:12
The Foreign Exchange Market

Level of knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Foreign exchange market-market participants- Functions of Forex market- Information and communication systems – FEDAI (Foreign Exchange Dealers' Association of India ) -Forex rates - Forex quotations- Cross rates- Problems on conversion of direct to indirect, cross rate calculation, spread & spot forward transactions- Arbitrage- simple problems on two-point arbitrage and three point arbitrage- Nostro, Vostro accounts –Forward and Future spot rates- simple problems- Purchasing Power Parity (simple problems)- Interest Rate Parity - International Fisher effect- (problems ) – Role of Technology in Forex Trading

Teaching Hours:12
The Foreign Exchange Market

Level of knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Foreign exchange market-market participants- Functions of Forex market- Information and communication systems – FEDAI (Foreign Exchange Dealers' Association of India ) -Forex rates - Forex quotations- Cross rates- Problems on conversion of direct to indirect, cross rate calculation, spread & spot forward transactions- Arbitrage- simple problems on two-point arbitrage and three point arbitrage- Nostro, Vostro accounts –Forward and Future spot rates- simple problems- Purchasing Power Parity (simple problems)- Interest Rate Parity - International Fisher effect- (problems ) – Role of Technology in Forex Trading

Teaching Hours:10
Managing Foreign Exchange Exposure

Level of knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Exchange risk-types of exposure-Tools & techniques of foreign exchange risk management- Management of Translation exposure-Functional versus reporting currency-Translation methods (simple problems related to methods of translation)- Management of Transaction exposure-Risk management products-Management of Economic exposure-Managing economic exposure- Marketing management of exchange risk-production management of exchange risk

Teaching Hours:10
Managing Foreign Exchange Exposure

Level of knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Exchange risk-types of exposure-Tools & techniques of foreign exchange risk management- Management of Translation exposure-Functional versus reporting currency-Translation methods (simple problems related to methods of translation)- Management of Transaction exposure-Risk management products-Management of Economic exposure-Managing economic exposure- Marketing management of exchange risk-production management of exchange risk

Teaching Hours:10
Managing Foreign Exchange Exposure

Level of knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Exchange risk-types of exposure-Tools & techniques of foreign exchange risk management- Management of Translation exposure-Functional versus reporting currency-Translation methods (simple problems related to methods of translation)- Management of Transaction exposure-Risk management products-Management of Economic exposure-Managing economic exposure- Marketing management of exchange risk-production management of exchange risk

Teaching Hours:7
Multinational Capital Structure and Working Capital Management

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

International financing decision - External sources of Debt & Equity – Short-term financing – Internal & External sources of short-term financing - Netting (problems on netting and investing excess cash) Management of receivables- Inventory management

Teaching Hours:7
Multinational Capital Structure and Working Capital Management

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

International financing decision - External sources of Debt & Equity – Short-term financing – Internal & External sources of short-term financing - Netting (problems on netting and investing excess cash) Management of receivables- Inventory management

Teaching Hours:7
Multinational Capital Structure and Working Capital Management

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

International financing decision - External sources of Debt & Equity – Short-term financing – Internal & External sources of short-term financing - Netting (problems on netting and investing excess cash) Management of receivables- Inventory management

Text Books And Reference Books:

·         Madura, J. (2020). International financial management, (15th Edn.) Cengage Learning, USA

·         Apte, P. G., & Kapshe, S. (2020). International Financial Management, (8th Edn.) McGraw-Hill Education.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

  • Avadhani, V. (2011). International Financial Management. (2nd ed.). Bangalore: Himalaya Publishing House.
  • Apte, P. (2011). International Financial Management. (3rd ed.). New Delhi: The McGraw Hill companies.
  • Varghese, S.K. (2000), Foreign Exchange and Financing of Foreign Trade. Vikas Publishing House.
  • SubbaRao (2010), International Business. Himalaya Publishing House.
  • Vij, M. (2006). International Financial Management. (2nd ed.). New Delhi: Excel Books.
Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description



This course provides complete knowledge about the evolution of banking system, the structure of banking system in India and nationalization of banks in India. It deals with the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 which is applicable to Banks in India. The details such as share capital, licensing, amalgamation of banking companies, appointment of whole-time chairman etc. are explained in detail. The course also discusses the concept of the Central bank, its role, functions, and the powers. It further highlights the measures taken by RBI in controlling inflation, economic development, and financial inclusion. Other topics like Banking organizations management of capital funds in Commercial banks, Practical banking innovations and the reforms in banking sector are also dealt with in detail. The course is designed to primarily acquaint the students with operational parameters of banking law and to teach the innovative measures taken by the banks and also the general principles of banking law governing the banking companies.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Present the evolution of Indian banking system and the structure of banking in India.

CO2: Apply knowledge about the regulatory framework of the central bank in India and banking operations

CO3: Demonstrate an exposure to the technological incorporations in the banking sector.

CO4: Articulate innovative risk management measure undertaken by banks in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Banking System in India


Indian Banking System – Evolution; RBI and its role; Structure of Banks in India; Commercial Banks; Co-operative Banking System; Agri Finance & its System 

Teaching Hours:6
Banking System in India


Indian Banking System – Evolution; RBI and its role; Structure of Banks in India; Commercial Banks; Co-operative Banking System; Agri Finance & its System 

Teaching Hours:6
Banking System in India


Indian Banking System – Evolution; RBI and its role; Structure of Banks in India; Commercial Banks; Co-operative Banking System; Agri Finance & its System 

Teaching Hours:10
Regulatory Framework of Banks

Development of Central Banks in other Countries, Regulatory Restrictions on Lending, Business of Banking, Constitution of Banks, RBI Act, 1934, Banking Regulation Act, 1949; Government as a Regulator of Banks, Monopoly of note Issue, Monetary and Fiscal policy, methods of credit control, quantitative credit control, qualitative or selective credit control, Regulation by other Authorities (SEBI, Income Tax, IRDAI)



Teaching Hours:10
Regulatory Framework of Banks

Development of Central Banks in other Countries, Regulatory Restrictions on Lending, Business of Banking, Constitution of Banks, RBI Act, 1934, Banking Regulation Act, 1949; Government as a Regulator of Banks, Monopoly of note Issue, Monetary and Fiscal policy, methods of credit control, quantitative credit control, qualitative or selective credit control, Regulation by other Authorities (SEBI, Income Tax, IRDAI)



Teaching Hours:10
Regulatory Framework of Banks

Development of Central Banks in other Countries, Regulatory Restrictions on Lending, Business of Banking, Constitution of Banks, RBI Act, 1934, Banking Regulation Act, 1949; Government as a Regulator of Banks, Monopoly of note Issue, Monetary and Fiscal policy, methods of credit control, quantitative credit control, qualitative or selective credit control, Regulation by other Authorities (SEBI, Income Tax, IRDAI)



Teaching Hours:10
Control and Regulations of Banking Operations

Licensing of Banking Companies, Branch Licensing, paid up capital and reserves, Shareholding in Banking Companies, Control over Management; Directors and Corporate Governance, Power of RBI to issue directions, Acceptance of deposits, Nomination, Loans and Advances, Regulation of Interest Rate, Regulation of payment systems, Internet Banking guidelines, Death Claim Process, Documentation, Handling of Statutory and Regulatory Notices. 



Teaching Hours:10
Control and Regulations of Banking Operations

Licensing of Banking Companies, Branch Licensing, paid up capital and reserves, Shareholding in Banking Companies, Control over Management; Directors and Corporate Governance, Power of RBI to issue directions, Acceptance of deposits, Nomination, Loans and Advances, Regulation of Interest Rate, Regulation of payment systems, Internet Banking guidelines, Death Claim Process, Documentation, Handling of Statutory and Regulatory Notices. 



Teaching Hours:10
Control and Regulations of Banking Operations

Licensing of Banking Companies, Branch Licensing, paid up capital and reserves, Shareholding in Banking Companies, Control over Management; Directors and Corporate Governance, Power of RBI to issue directions, Acceptance of deposits, Nomination, Loans and Advances, Regulation of Interest Rate, Regulation of payment systems, Internet Banking guidelines, Death Claim Process, Documentation, Handling of Statutory and Regulatory Notices. 



Teaching Hours:12
Banking Operations


Banker and Customer, The Banker, The Customer, Relationship between banker and customer, General features of the relationship, Special features of the relationship, Paying and collecting Banker duties,Guidelines of Safe Deposit Locker Operations , Handling Keys, Standing Instructions , Mandates,  Accounts of the customers, KYC, operational aspects in regard to opening of all types of accounts, Scrutiny of loan applications / documents, Back-office operations in banks, Different types of Borrowers; Interest Calculations on Cash Credit /Overdraft accounts . 

Teaching Hours:12
Banking Operations


Banker and Customer, The Banker, The Customer, Relationship between banker and customer, General features of the relationship, Special features of the relationship, Paying and collecting Banker duties,Guidelines of Safe Deposit Locker Operations , Handling Keys, Standing Instructions , Mandates,  Accounts of the customers, KYC, operational aspects in regard to opening of all types of accounts, Scrutiny of loan applications / documents, Back-office operations in banks, Different types of Borrowers; Interest Calculations on Cash Credit /Overdraft accounts . 

Teaching Hours:12
Banking Operations


Banker and Customer, The Banker, The Customer, Relationship between banker and customer, General features of the relationship, Special features of the relationship, Paying and collecting Banker duties,Guidelines of Safe Deposit Locker Operations , Handling Keys, Standing Instructions , Mandates,  Accounts of the customers, KYC, operational aspects in regard to opening of all types of accounts, Scrutiny of loan applications / documents, Back-office operations in banks, Different types of Borrowers; Interest Calculations on Cash Credit /Overdraft accounts . 

Teaching Hours:14
Innovations and IT in Banking


Innovations in Banking, ATM, CDM, Telephone/mobile Banking, ECS, EFT, NEFT, RTGS, SWIFT, IMPS, CTS, Modern banking Services, Small Finance Banks, Payment Banks, National Strategy for Financial Inclusion, Sustainable development goals in Banking -Core Business processes flow and relevant risks and controls, Reporting system and MIS, Data analytics and Business Intelligence, Fintech, Regtech

Teaching Hours:14
Innovations and IT in Banking


Innovations in Banking, ATM, CDM, Telephone/mobile Banking, ECS, EFT, NEFT, RTGS, SWIFT, IMPS, CTS, Modern banking Services, Small Finance Banks, Payment Banks, National Strategy for Financial Inclusion, Sustainable development goals in Banking -Core Business processes flow and relevant risks and controls, Reporting system and MIS, Data analytics and Business Intelligence, Fintech, Regtech

Teaching Hours:14
Innovations and IT in Banking


Innovations in Banking, ATM, CDM, Telephone/mobile Banking, ECS, EFT, NEFT, RTGS, SWIFT, IMPS, CTS, Modern banking Services, Small Finance Banks, Payment Banks, National Strategy for Financial Inclusion, Sustainable development goals in Banking -Core Business processes flow and relevant risks and controls, Reporting system and MIS, Data analytics and Business Intelligence, Fintech, Regtech

Teaching Hours:8
Risk Management in Banks

Risk Management in Banks and Basel Accords, Introduction to Risk Management, Credit Risk Management, Liquidity and Market Risk Management, Operational Risk Management, Risk Management Organization, Reporting of Banking Risk, Risk Adjusted Performance Evaluation, Basel I, II & III Accords.



Teaching Hours:8
Risk Management in Banks

Risk Management in Banks and Basel Accords, Introduction to Risk Management, Credit Risk Management, Liquidity and Market Risk Management, Operational Risk Management, Risk Management Organization, Reporting of Banking Risk, Risk Adjusted Performance Evaluation, Basel I, II & III Accords.



Teaching Hours:8
Risk Management in Banks

Risk Management in Banks and Basel Accords, Introduction to Risk Management, Credit Risk Management, Liquidity and Market Risk Management, Operational Risk Management, Risk Management Organization, Reporting of Banking Risk, Risk Adjusted Performance Evaluation, Basel I, II & III Accords.



Text Books And Reference Books:


  • M N Gopinath, (2021). Banking principles and Operations; Snow white publications Pvt. Limited.

  • Shekar. K. C., Shekar Lakshmi, (2020), Banking Theory and Practice, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Limited.

  • E. Gordon & K. Natarajan, (2021), Banking Theory, Law and Practice; Himalaya Publishing House New Delhi.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  • P.N.Varshney, (2017). Banking Theory and Practice: Sultan Chand & Company Ltd. Ram Nagar, New Delhi.

  • Maheshwari.S.N., Maheshwari & S.K. (2019) Law and Practices of Banking (3rd ed.). Bangalore: Kalyani Publishers. 


Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 - 20 marks (downzsized for 10 marks) 

CIA 2 - 50 marks (downzsized for 25 marks) 

CIA 3 -20 marks (downzsized for 10 marks) 

ESE - 50 marks 

Attendance 5 marks 


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

This course presents and analyzes derivatives, such as forwards, futures, and options. These instruments have become extremely popular investment tools over the past several decades, as they allow one to tailor the amount and kind of risk one takes, be it risk associated with changes in interest rates, exchange rates, stock prices, commodity prices, inflation, weather, etc. They are used by institutions as well as investors, sometimes to hedge (reduce) unwanted risks, sometimes to take on additional risk motivated by views regarding future market movements. The course defines the main kind of derivatives, shows how they are used to achieve various hedging and speculating objectives, introduces a framework for pricing derivatives, and studies several applications of derivative-pricing techniques outside derivative markets.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Recall various concepts relating to Derivatives and its types.

CO2: Evaluate forward, future and margin calculation.

CO3: Evaluate the pricing of future and forward and the theories related.

CO4: Evaluate the option concepts and create option strategies and hedging strategies on real prices

CO5: Evaluate the option pricing models and implications of option Greeks.

CO6: Summarize swaps and emerging derivatives market.

CO7: Classify commodity market, its evaluation and recent development in India.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Derivatives

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Definition – Types of derivatives- forwards, futures, options and swaps- Participants and Functions- Development of Exchange traded derivatives- Global derivatives markets- Exchange traded vs OTC derivatives markets- Derivatives trading in India- Requirements for a successful derivatives markets, Misuse and criticism of derivatives Myths about derivatives.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Derivatives

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Definition – Types of derivatives- forwards, futures, options and swaps- Participants and Functions- Development of Exchange traded derivatives- Global derivatives markets- Exchange traded vs OTC derivatives markets- Derivatives trading in India- Requirements for a successful derivatives markets, Misuse and criticism of derivatives Myths about derivatives.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Derivatives

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Definition – Types of derivatives- forwards, futures, options and swaps- Participants and Functions- Development of Exchange traded derivatives- Global derivatives markets- Exchange traded vs OTC derivatives markets- Derivatives trading in India- Requirements for a successful derivatives markets, Misuse and criticism of derivatives Myths about derivatives.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Futures & Forwards

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual & Practical

Forward & future contract: Meaning of forward contract and future contract classification of forward contract. Features of Forward contract – Difference between forward and spot contract. Meaning and definition of Future contract – Features of future contract - Evolution of future Market, Types of future contract- Futures market in India, specification of future contract and terminology. Difference between forward and future - margin requirement, Mark to Margin. Market lot, Tick size; Problems related to calculation of margin balances.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Futures & Forwards

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual & Practical

Forward & future contract: Meaning of forward contract and future contract classification of forward contract. Features of Forward contract – Difference between forward and spot contract. Meaning and definition of Future contract – Features of future contract - Evolution of future Market, Types of future contract- Futures market in India, specification of future contract and terminology. Difference between forward and future - margin requirement, Mark to Margin. Market lot, Tick size; Problems related to calculation of margin balances.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Futures & Forwards

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual & Practical

Forward & future contract: Meaning of forward contract and future contract classification of forward contract. Features of Forward contract – Difference between forward and spot contract. Meaning and definition of Future contract – Features of future contract - Evolution of future Market, Types of future contract- Futures market in India, specification of future contract and terminology. Difference between forward and future - margin requirement, Mark to Margin. Market lot, Tick size; Problems related to calculation of margin balances.

Teaching Hours:10
Pricing of Futures & Forwards

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical

Futures and forward valuations. (problems)Basic concepts in future pricing – Basis, the repo rate, arbitrage, spread and convergence. Settlement of future contract. Significance of future market. Theories (Approaches or Models) of future prices – Cost to carry approach – The expectation Approach – The Normal Backwardation approach and – The CAPM

Teaching Hours:10
Pricing of Futures & Forwards

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical

Futures and forward valuations. (problems)Basic concepts in future pricing – Basis, the repo rate, arbitrage, spread and convergence. Settlement of future contract. Significance of future market. Theories (Approaches or Models) of future prices – Cost to carry approach – The expectation Approach – The Normal Backwardation approach and – The CAPM

Teaching Hours:10
Pricing of Futures & Forwards

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical

Futures and forward valuations. (problems)Basic concepts in future pricing – Basis, the repo rate, arbitrage, spread and convergence. Settlement of future contract. Significance of future market. Theories (Approaches or Models) of future prices – Cost to carry approach – The expectation Approach – The Normal Backwardation approach and – The CAPM

Teaching Hours:16
Option Pricing, Strategies & Valuation

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical

Introduction to Options contracts –basic principles. Types of options – Basic concepts or Terms used in Option trading - Options terminology. Open Interest Analysis. Trading and settlement of options. Difference between option and futures. Options pricing – Determinants of Option Pricing – Upper and Lower limits of option pricing – In the Money – at the money and out of the money. Options Strategies – Bull Spread, Bear Spread, Butterfly Spread, Strangle and Straddle (Problems). Hedging & Trading strategies involving options, valuation of option: Introduction to basic model, one step binomial model (Problems), Black and Scholes Model (Problems), option Greeks (problems).

Teaching Hours:16
Option Pricing, Strategies & Valuation

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical

Introduction to Options contracts –basic principles. Types of options – Basic concepts or Terms used in Option trading - Options terminology. Open Interest Analysis. Trading and settlement of options. Difference between option and futures. Options pricing – Determinants of Option Pricing – Upper and Lower limits of option pricing – In the Money – at the money and out of the money. Options Strategies – Bull Spread, Bear Spread, Butterfly Spread, Strangle and Straddle (Problems). Hedging & Trading strategies involving options, valuation of option: Introduction to basic model, one step binomial model (Problems), Black and Scholes Model (Problems), option Greeks (problems).

Teaching Hours:16
Option Pricing, Strategies & Valuation

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical

Introduction to Options contracts –basic principles. Types of options – Basic concepts or Terms used in Option trading - Options terminology. Open Interest Analysis. Trading and settlement of options. Difference between option and futures. Options pricing – Determinants of Option Pricing – Upper and Lower limits of option pricing – In the Money – at the money and out of the money. Options Strategies – Bull Spread, Bear Spread, Butterfly Spread, Strangle and Straddle (Problems). Hedging & Trading strategies involving options, valuation of option: Introduction to basic model, one step binomial model (Problems), Black and Scholes Model (Problems), option Greeks (problems).

Teaching Hours:6
Swaps and Emerging Derivatives

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Conceptual

Swaps-Meaning - History of swaps in India – types of swaps - mechanics of interest rate swaps

using the swap to transform a liability – using a swap to transform an asset – advantages and disadvantages of swaps – valuation of interest rate swaps

Emerging derivatives products: Currency Derivatives, Credit Linked Notes, Credit Default

Swaps, Structured Finance, Securitization, CDO, Synthetic CDOs, ABS, Weather derivatives, Bitcoin futures, diamond derivatives, inflation indexed derivatives.

Teaching Hours:6
Swaps and Emerging Derivatives

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Conceptual

Swaps-Meaning - History of swaps in India – types of swaps - mechanics of interest rate swaps

using the swap to transform a liability – using a swap to transform an asset – advantages and disadvantages of swaps – valuation of interest rate swaps

Emerging derivatives products: Currency Derivatives, Credit Linked Notes, Credit Default

Swaps, Structured Finance, Securitization, CDO, Synthetic CDOs, ABS, Weather derivatives, Bitcoin futures, diamond derivatives, inflation indexed derivatives.

Teaching Hours:6
Swaps and Emerging Derivatives

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Conceptual

Swaps-Meaning - History of swaps in India – types of swaps - mechanics of interest rate swaps

using the swap to transform a liability – using a swap to transform an asset – advantages and disadvantages of swaps – valuation of interest rate swaps

Emerging derivatives products: Currency Derivatives, Credit Linked Notes, Credit Default

Swaps, Structured Finance, Securitization, CDO, Synthetic CDOs, ABS, Weather derivatives, Bitcoin futures, diamond derivatives, inflation indexed derivatives.

Teaching Hours:6
Commodity Market

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Conceptual

Commodity market and derivatives - Meaning and its importance. Historical changes and growth of global and domestic Commodities derivatives markets. FCR Act 1952 and Regulatory structure of Commodities Derivatives Markets in India Commodities Derivative Exchanges and design of the markets (Major Exchanges in India). Commodity Exchange, Role of Commodity Exchanges, Commodity Derivative Markets in India, Indian Commodity Exchanges. Difference between Commodity and financial derivatives.

Teaching Hours:6
Commodity Market

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Conceptual

Commodity market and derivatives - Meaning and its importance. Historical changes and growth of global and domestic Commodities derivatives markets. FCR Act 1952 and Regulatory structure of Commodities Derivatives Markets in India Commodities Derivative Exchanges and design of the markets (Major Exchanges in India). Commodity Exchange, Role of Commodity Exchanges, Commodity Derivative Markets in India, Indian Commodity Exchanges. Difference between Commodity and financial derivatives.

Teaching Hours:6
Commodity Market

Level of Knowledge: Theoretical and Conceptual

Commodity market and derivatives - Meaning and its importance. Historical changes and growth of global and domestic Commodities derivatives markets. FCR Act 1952 and Regulatory structure of Commodities Derivatives Markets in India Commodities Derivative Exchanges and design of the markets (Major Exchanges in India). Commodity Exchange, Role of Commodity Exchanges, Commodity Derivative Markets in India, Indian Commodity Exchanges. Difference between Commodity and financial derivatives.

Text Books And Reference Books:

·         Hull John C. (2016). Options, Futures and Other Derivatives. Prentice Hall of India

·         Vohra & Bagri (2003). Futures and Options. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. 


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

 Srivastava,R.(2010). Derivatives and Risk management. IOU India.

Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

This course provides the knowledge base for understanding and preparation of the Banking and Insurance Company Accounts. The primary objective is to help students in learning accounting treatment and also preparation of final accounts of Banking and Insurance company. The course provides thorough knowledge on Banking company accounts relating to Interest on doubtful debts, and rebate on bills discounted, NPA calculation, and Income recognition under NPA etc. It also acquaints students with knowledge relating to Life Insurance and General (Fire, Accident and Marine) Insurance company accounts, outstanding claims bonus in reduction of premium, interest accrued on investments. outstanding premium and claims etc.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Describe the advances and Non-Performing Assets of banking companies.

CO2: Prepare profit and loss account and balance sheet of banking companies as per the guidelines of RBI and Banking Regulation Act, 1949

CO3: Ascertain the premium, claims and examine the final accounts of a life insurance company as per IRDA Act.

CO4: Prepare the final accounts for fire and marine business with treatment of reserve for unexpired risks as per IRDA Act.

Teaching Hours:10
Basics of Banking Company Accounts

Meaning of Banking, Types of Banks, Banking Company business, General Information, Accounts and Audit, brief description of certain important books, ledgers and registers. Slip system of posting, Guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India for Profit and Loss Account & Balance Sheet, Explanation of items appearing in the final accounts including journal entries for transactions like bills for collection, Acceptances, Endorsements and other obligation, bill discounted, rebate on bills discounted, interest on doubtful debts and revaluation of investment.

Teaching Hours:10
Basics of Banking Company Accounts

Meaning of Banking, Types of Banks, Banking Company business, General Information, Accounts and Audit, brief description of certain important books, ledgers and registers. Slip system of posting, Guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India for Profit and Loss Account & Balance Sheet, Explanation of items appearing in the final accounts including journal entries for transactions like bills for collection, Acceptances, Endorsements and other obligation, bill discounted, rebate on bills discounted, interest on doubtful debts and revaluation of investment.

Teaching Hours:10
Basics of Banking Company Accounts

Meaning of Banking, Types of Banks, Banking Company business, General Information, Accounts and Audit, brief description of certain important books, ledgers and registers. Slip system of posting, Guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India for Profit and Loss Account & Balance Sheet, Explanation of items appearing in the final accounts including journal entries for transactions like bills for collection, Acceptances, Endorsements and other obligation, bill discounted, rebate on bills discounted, interest on doubtful debts and revaluation of investment.

Teaching Hours:10
Non-Performing Assets (NPA)

Meaning, causes of NPAs, Impact of NPAs, Factors Contributing to NPAs, Management of NPAs, Prudential Accounting Norms set by RBI, Classification of Bank Advances, Income Recognition, Treatment of Interest Suspense Account Advances covered by ECGC/DICGC Guarantee, Advance Covered by CGTSI Guarantee, Agricultural Advance, Advances Under Rehabilitation Approved by BIFR/TLI, Government Guaranteed Advances, Valuation of NPA.

Teaching Hours:10
Non-Performing Assets (NPA)

Meaning, causes of NPAs, Impact of NPAs, Factors Contributing to NPAs, Management of NPAs, Prudential Accounting Norms set by RBI, Classification of Bank Advances, Income Recognition, Treatment of Interest Suspense Account Advances covered by ECGC/DICGC Guarantee, Advance Covered by CGTSI Guarantee, Agricultural Advance, Advances Under Rehabilitation Approved by BIFR/TLI, Government Guaranteed Advances, Valuation of NPA.

Teaching Hours:10
Non-Performing Assets (NPA)

Meaning, causes of NPAs, Impact of NPAs, Factors Contributing to NPAs, Management of NPAs, Prudential Accounting Norms set by RBI, Classification of Bank Advances, Income Recognition, Treatment of Interest Suspense Account Advances covered by ECGC/DICGC Guarantee, Advance Covered by CGTSI Guarantee, Agricultural Advance, Advances Under Rehabilitation Approved by BIFR/TLI, Government Guaranteed Advances, Valuation of NPA.

Teaching Hours:10
Final Accounts of Banking Company

Treatment of special items like interest on doubtful debts and rebate on bills discounted, preparation of final accounts, Preparation of profit & loss account and balance sheets with various advanced adjustments - Form A and Form B.

Teaching Hours:10
Final Accounts of Banking Company

Treatment of special items like interest on doubtful debts and rebate on bills discounted, preparation of final accounts, Preparation of profit & loss account and balance sheets with various advanced adjustments - Form A and Form B.

Teaching Hours:10
Final Accounts of Banking Company

Treatment of special items like interest on doubtful debts and rebate on bills discounted, preparation of final accounts, Preparation of profit & loss account and balance sheets with various advanced adjustments - Form A and Form B.

Teaching Hours:6
Life Insurance Company Accounts

Introduction Classes of Insurance Business Explanation of terms Claim, Premium, bonus, surrender, value, annuity, reinsurance etc. The forms of revenue account and balance sheet, Explanation of items including journal entries for adjustment like outstanding claims bonus in reduction of premium, interest accrued on investments, outstanding premium and claims on the reinsertion Ascertainment of profit of a Life Insurance Company, Accounting procedure relating to preparation of valuation balance sheet and statement showing results of valuation problems.

Teaching Hours:6
Life Insurance Company Accounts

Introduction Classes of Insurance Business Explanation of terms Claim, Premium, bonus, surrender, value, annuity, reinsurance etc. The forms of revenue account and balance sheet, Explanation of items including journal entries for adjustment like outstanding claims bonus in reduction of premium, interest accrued on investments, outstanding premium and claims on the reinsertion Ascertainment of profit of a Life Insurance Company, Accounting procedure relating to preparation of valuation balance sheet and statement showing results of valuation problems.

Teaching Hours:6
Life Insurance Company Accounts

Introduction Classes of Insurance Business Explanation of terms Claim, Premium, bonus, surrender, value, annuity, reinsurance etc. The forms of revenue account and balance sheet, Explanation of items including journal entries for adjustment like outstanding claims bonus in reduction of premium, interest accrued on investments, outstanding premium and claims on the reinsertion Ascertainment of profit of a Life Insurance Company, Accounting procedure relating to preparation of valuation balance sheet and statement showing results of valuation problems.

Teaching Hours:9
Final Accounts of Life Insurance Company

Meaning-Type of Insurance – Life Insurance, General Insurance, Accounts of Life Insurance Business, Statutory & Subsidiary Books, Determination of Net Liability and Amount due to policy holders, Preparation of Revenue Accounts and Balance sheet according to IRDA guidelines, provisions relating to the treatment of reserves fund, Preparation of Revenue Account, Profit and Loss account, Profit and loss appropriation account and Balance Sheet.

Teaching Hours:9
Final Accounts of Life Insurance Company

Meaning-Type of Insurance – Life Insurance, General Insurance, Accounts of Life Insurance Business, Statutory & Subsidiary Books, Determination of Net Liability and Amount due to policy holders, Preparation of Revenue Accounts and Balance sheet according to IRDA guidelines, provisions relating to the treatment of reserves fund, Preparation of Revenue Account, Profit and Loss account, Profit and loss appropriation account and Balance Sheet.

Teaching Hours:9
Final Accounts of Life Insurance Company

Meaning-Type of Insurance – Life Insurance, General Insurance, Accounts of Life Insurance Business, Statutory & Subsidiary Books, Determination of Net Liability and Amount due to policy holders, Preparation of Revenue Accounts and Balance sheet according to IRDA guidelines, provisions relating to the treatment of reserves fund, Preparation of Revenue Account, Profit and Loss account, Profit and loss appropriation account and Balance Sheet.

Teaching Hours:15
Accounts of General Insurance Company

Meaning, Preparation of Revenue Account for Fire and Marine, Treatment of Reserve or Provision to be Carried Forward, Preparation of Profit and Loss Account in Form B, Preparation of Profit and Loss Appropriation Account in Form C, Preparation of Balance Sheet. (Practical Problems).

Teaching Hours:15
Accounts of General Insurance Company

Meaning, Preparation of Revenue Account for Fire and Marine, Treatment of Reserve or Provision to be Carried Forward, Preparation of Profit and Loss Account in Form B, Preparation of Profit and Loss Appropriation Account in Form C, Preparation of Balance Sheet. (Practical Problems).

Teaching Hours:15
Accounts of General Insurance Company

Meaning, Preparation of Revenue Account for Fire and Marine, Treatment of Reserve or Provision to be Carried Forward, Preparation of Profit and Loss Account in Form B, Preparation of Profit and Loss Appropriation Account in Form C, Preparation of Balance Sheet. (Practical Problems).

Text Books And Reference Books:

·         Anil Kumar, S., Rajesh Kumar, V., & Mariyappa, B., (2021). Advanced Financial Accounting. Himalaya Publishing House.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

·         Arulanandam, M.A., & Raman, K.S., (2021). Advanced Accounting (Vol – II). Himalaya Publishing House.

·         Jain, S. P., & Narang, K. L. (2021). Advanced Accountancy. Kalyani Publishers House.

Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries a maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:







Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

This paper is offered as a finance elective in the sixth semester. It is tailored to strengthen the business acumen of the students in the areas of finance and investment. Students opting for this elective specialize in the various aspects of investments. Various investment schemes, investment process, return and risk associated with investment, valuation of different securities, security analysis fundamental, derivatives markets and portfolio management strategies etc. As a prerequisite, the students should have basic knowledge about the concepts relating to Investment Management, various avenues and tax planning methods.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Explain the concepts of investment analysis and portfolio management

CO2: Calculate risk and return of securities

CO3: Assess Securities using fundamental and technical analysis

CO4: Build portfolios using portfolio construction techniques

CO5: Evaluate the performance of investments using portfolio management techniques.

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Investment

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Basic


Meaning of investment – Financial and economic meaning, Investment vs speculation - Importance of investments –Reasons for investing, Essential features of a good investment Programme/Features- Factors influencing the investment decision - Qualities of a successful investment – Contrary thinking - Patience composure - Flexibility and openness and decisiveness - Portfolio Management Process - Common Errors in Investment Management – Investment strategies – Investment Avenues.

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Investment

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Basic


Meaning of investment – Financial and economic meaning, Investment vs speculation - Importance of investments –Reasons for investing, Essential features of a good investment Programme/Features- Factors influencing the investment decision - Qualities of a successful investment – Contrary thinking - Patience composure - Flexibility and openness and decisiveness - Portfolio Management Process - Common Errors in Investment Management – Investment strategies – Investment Avenues.

Teaching Hours:8
Introduction to Investment

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Basic


Meaning of investment – Financial and economic meaning, Investment vs speculation - Importance of investments –Reasons for investing, Essential features of a good investment Programme/Features- Factors influencing the investment decision - Qualities of a successful investment – Contrary thinking - Patience composure - Flexibility and openness and decisiveness - Portfolio Management Process - Common Errors in Investment Management – Investment strategies – Investment Avenues.

Teaching Hours:10
Risk-Return Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Working and conceptual Knowledge

Meaning of risk & return –Types of risks- Components of return- Measuring historical Return- measuring historical risk- Measuring expected return and risk-Concept of  Probability- Calculation of systematic risk-Beta calculation.

Teaching Hours:10
Risk-Return Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Working and conceptual Knowledge

Meaning of risk & return –Types of risks- Components of return- Measuring historical Return- measuring historical risk- Measuring expected return and risk-Concept of  Probability- Calculation of systematic risk-Beta calculation.

Teaching Hours:10
Risk-Return Analysis

Level of Knowledge: Working and conceptual Knowledge

Meaning of risk & return –Types of risks- Components of return- Measuring historical Return- measuring historical risk- Measuring expected return and risk-Concept of  Probability- Calculation of systematic risk-Beta calculation.

Teaching Hours:10

Fundamental Analysis – EIC analysis

Economy Analysis- Meaning, Key economic variables, Industry Analysis -Meaning, Industry life cycle, characteristics of an industry and Porter’s model, Company Analysis - Analysis of financial statements, future prospects of a company


Technical analysis-Meaning of Technical analysis and basic principles of technical analysis- Trends and Chart patterns Eliot wave theory Dow Theory, support and resistance level different types of Charts Efficient market theory Mathematical indicators and Market indicators. Fundamental Vs technical analysis

Teaching Hours:10

Fundamental Analysis – EIC analysis

Economy Analysis- Meaning, Key economic variables, Industry Analysis -Meaning, Industry life cycle, characteristics of an industry and Porter’s model, Company Analysis - Analysis of financial statements, future prospects of a company


Technical analysis-Meaning of Technical analysis and basic principles of technical analysis- Trends and Chart patterns Eliot wave theory Dow Theory, support and resistance level different types of Charts Efficient market theory Mathematical indicators and Market indicators. Fundamental Vs technical analysis

Teaching Hours:10

Fundamental Analysis – EIC analysis

Economy Analysis- Meaning, Key economic variables, Industry Analysis -Meaning, Industry life cycle, characteristics of an industry and Porter’s model, Company Analysis - Analysis of financial statements, future prospects of a company


Technical analysis-Meaning of Technical analysis and basic principles of technical analysis- Trends and Chart patterns Eliot wave theory Dow Theory, support and resistance level different types of Charts Efficient market theory Mathematical indicators and Market indicators. Fundamental Vs technical analysis

Teaching Hours:10
Security Valuation

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual & Theoretical


Time value of money - Concept of present value. Debt instruments and valuations, yield, Running yield, YTM and bond durations convexity (simple problems). Equity instrument and valuations Earning valuations revenue valuations yield valuation (simple problems)



Teaching Hours:10
Security Valuation

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual & Theoretical


Time value of money - Concept of present value. Debt instruments and valuations, yield, Running yield, YTM and bond durations convexity (simple problems). Equity instrument and valuations Earning valuations revenue valuations yield valuation (simple problems)



Teaching Hours:10
Security Valuation

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual & Theoretical


Time value of money - Concept of present value. Debt instruments and valuations, yield, Running yield, YTM and bond durations convexity (simple problems). Equity instrument and valuations Earning valuations revenue valuations yield valuation (simple problems)



Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Portfolio Management

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Meaning-The Portfolio Management Process Categories. Investment strategy objectives—Risk and Beta—Time value of money application to portfolio management—MPT and Dominance concept—SEBI guidelines for portfolio managers-Portfolio managers- portfolio management service. Asset Allocation:Process, Types of asset allocation, Management style, Different approaches to allocation decision, and overview of allocation techniques.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Portfolio Management

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Meaning-The Portfolio Management Process Categories. Investment strategy objectives—Risk and Beta—Time value of money application to portfolio management—MPT and Dominance concept—SEBI guidelines for portfolio managers-Portfolio managers- portfolio management service. Asset Allocation:Process, Types of asset allocation, Management style, Different approaches to allocation decision, and overview of allocation techniques.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Portfolio Management

Level of Knowledge:  Conceptual

Meaning-The Portfolio Management Process Categories. Investment strategy objectives—Risk and Beta—Time value of money application to portfolio management—MPT and Dominance concept—SEBI guidelines for portfolio managers-Portfolio managers- portfolio management service. Asset Allocation:Process, Types of asset allocation, Management style, Different approaches to allocation decision, and overview of allocation techniques.

Teaching Hours:12
Portfolio Selection and Construction

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Portfolios returnPortfolio risk, Portfolio diversifications. Feasible set of portfolios, Efficient set of portfolios, Selection of optimal portfolio, Markowitz model and its limitations, The sharp Index model Single index model Measuring security and portfolio’s return and risk under single index model.

Capital Asset Pricing Theory, Assumptions ,Efficient frontier with risk less lending and borrowing security market line applications of the security market line The capital market line SML and CML, Pricing of securities with CAPM and its arbitrage theory.

Teaching Hours:12
Portfolio Selection and Construction

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Portfolios returnPortfolio risk, Portfolio diversifications. Feasible set of portfolios, Efficient set of portfolios, Selection of optimal portfolio, Markowitz model and its limitations, The sharp Index model Single index model Measuring security and portfolio’s return and risk under single index model.

Capital Asset Pricing Theory, Assumptions ,Efficient frontier with risk less lending and borrowing security market line applications of the security market line The capital market line SML and CML, Pricing of securities with CAPM and its arbitrage theory.

Teaching Hours:12
Portfolio Selection and Construction

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Portfolios returnPortfolio risk, Portfolio diversifications. Feasible set of portfolios, Efficient set of portfolios, Selection of optimal portfolio, Markowitz model and its limitations, The sharp Index model Single index model Measuring security and portfolio’s return and risk under single index model.

Capital Asset Pricing Theory, Assumptions ,Efficient frontier with risk less lending and borrowing security market line applications of the security market line The capital market line SML and CML, Pricing of securities with CAPM and its arbitrage theory.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Punithavathy Pandian. (2013) Security analysis and portfolio management, (2ed.), Vikas publishing house Pvt Ltd. New Delhi

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Singh, P. (2007). Portfolio Management. Mumbai: Himalaya Publications.

Bhalla,V. (2008). Investment Management.New Delhi: Sultan Chand Publications

Fischer, D. E., & Jordon, R. J. (2002). Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (6th Ed.). New Delhi: Prentice Hall Of India

S, Kevin. (2015). Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. New Delhi: Prentice Hall Of India.

Lee, A. F., & Lee, C. F. (2008). Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (Vol. 3, New Series). United Kingdom: Elsevier Science Ltd.

Chandra, P. (2012). Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (4th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.

Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

This course provides an overview of the nature of international banking and the major cultural, economic, social and legal environment in which the international banks operate. It covers the framework of international banking, the structure, functions and the role of international investment banking. Further, it provides a detailed coverage of financial institutions, foreign trade, foreign exchange market, and its importance.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Articulate the importance of the international banking system along with recent trends

CO2: Integrate the foreign and English banking systems

CO3: Sketch the difference between London and Indian money markets

CO4: Determine the different international money market practices in emerging countries

CO5: Present the different banking systems, its evolution, and differences.

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction to International Banking

Brief History of International Banking, Reasons for the growth of International Banking, Characteristics and Dimensions of International Banking, Recent trends in International banking, Organizational features of International Banking, Forms of International Banking,  International private banking.

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction to International Banking

Brief History of International Banking, Reasons for the growth of International Banking, Characteristics and Dimensions of International Banking, Recent trends in International banking, Organizational features of International Banking, Forms of International Banking,  International private banking.

Teaching Hours:6
Introduction to International Banking

Brief History of International Banking, Reasons for the growth of International Banking, Characteristics and Dimensions of International Banking, Recent trends in International banking, Organizational features of International Banking, Forms of International Banking,  International private banking.

Teaching Hours:8
Foreign Banking System & English Banking

Introduction, importance and characteristics of Foreign banking system, Importance of developed Money market in a banking system, English banking system, Bank of England, origin and growth, Organizational structure, Functions, London Money Market and EURO Currency. Comparison with Indian Money market, The Lifeboat Operation and the Banking Act, 1979.

Teaching Hours:8
Foreign Banking System & English Banking

Introduction, importance and characteristics of Foreign banking system, Importance of developed Money market in a banking system, English banking system, Bank of England, origin and growth, Organizational structure, Functions, London Money Market and EURO Currency. Comparison with Indian Money market, The Lifeboat Operation and the Banking Act, 1979.

Teaching Hours:8
Foreign Banking System & English Banking

Introduction, importance and characteristics of Foreign banking system, Importance of developed Money market in a banking system, English banking system, Bank of England, origin and growth, Organizational structure, Functions, London Money Market and EURO Currency. Comparison with Indian Money market, The Lifeboat Operation and the Banking Act, 1979.

Teaching Hours:12
Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve System: Origin, Organizational structure and working, Unit Banking and factors for its growth in USA. New York Money Market – Constituents and working, Comparison between London Money Market and New York Money Market.

Teaching Hours:12
Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve System: Origin, Organizational structure and working, Unit Banking and factors for its growth in USA. New York Money Market – Constituents and working, Comparison between London Money Market and New York Money Market.

Teaching Hours:12
Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve System: Origin, Organizational structure and working, Unit Banking and factors for its growth in USA. New York Money Market – Constituents and working, Comparison between London Money Market and New York Money Market.

Teaching Hours:10
German and Japanese Banking Systems

German Banking System: Deutsche Bundesbank– Organization, structure and functions. Bank of Japan- Structure and working, Commercial Banking system of Japan, Industrial Banking in Japan.

Teaching Hours:10
German and Japanese Banking Systems

German Banking System: Deutsche Bundesbank– Organization, structure and functions. Bank of Japan- Structure and working, Commercial Banking system of Japan, Industrial Banking in Japan.

Teaching Hours:10
German and Japanese Banking Systems

German Banking System: Deutsche Bundesbank– Organization, structure and functions. Bank of Japan- Structure and working, Commercial Banking system of Japan, Industrial Banking in Japan.

Teaching Hours:8
International Financial Institutions

IMF, World Bank, IBRD, IFC, ADB, JICA, WTO- Objective and Functions, Criticisms.

Teaching Hours:8
International Financial Institutions

IMF, World Bank, IBRD, IFC, ADB, JICA, WTO- Objective and Functions, Criticisms.

Teaching Hours:8
International Financial Institutions

IMF, World Bank, IBRD, IFC, ADB, JICA, WTO- Objective and Functions, Criticisms.

Teaching Hours:12
Foreign Exchange Management & Foreign Trade

FOREX markets- participants in FOREX markets- Custodian, sub-custodian, counterparty reconciliation, SWIFT, Types of SWIFT instructions, Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates, SPOT, SWAPS, Premium and Discounts, New instruments with simple problems

Theories of Foreign Trade- Absolute Cost Theory, Comparative cost Theory, Factors Oriented Theory and Modern Theory. Exchange Rate Mechanism- Mint Parity Theory, PPP theory- IPP theory

Teaching Hours:12
Foreign Exchange Management & Foreign Trade

FOREX markets- participants in FOREX markets- Custodian, sub-custodian, counterparty reconciliation, SWIFT, Types of SWIFT instructions, Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates, SPOT, SWAPS, Premium and Discounts, New instruments with simple problems

Theories of Foreign Trade- Absolute Cost Theory, Comparative cost Theory, Factors Oriented Theory and Modern Theory. Exchange Rate Mechanism- Mint Parity Theory, PPP theory- IPP theory

Teaching Hours:12
Foreign Exchange Management & Foreign Trade

FOREX markets- participants in FOREX markets- Custodian, sub-custodian, counterparty reconciliation, SWIFT, Types of SWIFT instructions, Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates, SPOT, SWAPS, Premium and Discounts, New instruments with simple problems

Theories of Foreign Trade- Absolute Cost Theory, Comparative cost Theory, Factors Oriented Theory and Modern Theory. Exchange Rate Mechanism- Mint Parity Theory, PPP theory- IPP theory

Teaching Hours:4
Miscellaneous Banking

Islamic Banking- Evolution, growth and development, merits and demerits of Islamic banking. SWISS Banking and its evolution- functions.

Teaching Hours:4
Miscellaneous Banking

Islamic Banking- Evolution, growth and development, merits and demerits of Islamic banking. SWISS Banking and its evolution- functions.

Teaching Hours:4
Miscellaneous Banking

Islamic Banking- Evolution, growth and development, merits and demerits of Islamic banking. SWISS Banking and its evolution- functions.

Text Books And Reference Books:

  • Joanna (2021). Inflation targeting and central banks- Institutional set-ups and monetary policy effectiveness- Routledge
  • Lum. Y.C. & Islam Sardar M.N. (2021). Management of Foreign Exchange Risk- Evidence from Developing Economies- Routledge
  • Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (2011). International Banking- Macmillan publication.
  • Mehta, D&Fung, H.G (2008). International Bank Management. New Delhi: Wiley.
  • Andrew W. Mullineux (2003). Handbook of International Banking- Edward Elgar publishing
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

  • Davies, H., & Green, D. (2010). Banking on the future: The fall and rise of central banking. Princeton. N.J: Princeton University Press.
  • Kim, T. (2010). International money and banking. London: Routledge.
  • Shamah, S. (2013). A foreign exchange primer. Chichester, West Sussex: J. Wiley.
  • K.C Shekar and Lekshmy Shekar (2013) Banking Theory and Practice- Vikas Publications
Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:






Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments,

discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours




Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration








COH681 - RESEARCH WORK (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:0
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Fifth semester students shall undertake a Research Work in the area of Commerce & Management and submit an Article / Report as a mandatory requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours).

The research work shall be undertaken in a team consisting of three students under the guidance of one faculty mentor. The research work shall start from 1 September and the article / report shall be submitted by 1 March.

Students have to ensure that the research reports are free from plagiarized content. A compendium of the research work of the batch shall be preserved in the department, and may also be released as an E-journal for internal circulation.

The Article / Report will be evaluated for 100 marks based on submission and Viva Voce on individual basis conducted by a panel of judges. The course carries 4 credits that shall be included in the 6th semester marks card.

Learning Outcome

CO1: The course will enable the students to write abstracts, planning research articles, writing critical literature reviews, describe research methods, interpreting research findings, discussing the implications and significance of the research undertaken.

Teaching Hours:0


Teaching Hours:0


Teaching Hours:0


Text Books And Reference Books:


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern

The course's evaluation is based 

  1. Research tutorial and assessments – 25 Marks
  2. Meeting the Guide/ interaction and timely submission – 30 Marks
  3. Research article/report - 20 marks
  4. Research viva-voce - 25 marks

Plagiarism of research work will have serious consequences, leading to disqualification of the entire research work. 

Note: 2-mark penalty for each day of delay will be imposed for late submissions